Research Guides
This page lists guides written by Archives staff on the various collections held at Churchill Archives Centre.
We have a fantastic wealth of collections of personal papers (almost 600), and the guides below give both guides to the top collections we hold for various subject areas, and deep dives into the contents of specific collections. These act as a way in to our collections for people who are interested in subject areas, or want an in-depth overview of a collection as a whole.
For a brief synopsis of each collection by subject you can apply filters to our Guide to Holdings page, from which you can also follow the links to our full catalogue.

Guides by subject
- Childhood
- Churchill collections
- Churchill photographic collections
- Dance
- Diaries
- India
- Irish history, pre-1921
- Irish history, post-1921
- League of Nations
- Life writing
- Modern British History online sources
- Peace Activists and Anti-Nuclear Protesters
- Race and migration
- Women in Cambridge, c.1900-1950
- Women’s suffrage
- Working-class history
Top 10 collections on:
- Architecture and town planning
- Empire & colonialism
- Foreign policy and international relations
- Partners & secretaries
- Women in international life
- Women in politics & government
- Women in the arts & literary life
Introductions to the papers of
- Mark Abrams (ABMS)
- Julian Amery (AMEJ)
- Ralph Bagnold (BGND)
- Fenner Brockway (FEBR)
- William Bull (BULL)
- Alexander Cadogan (ACAD)
- Diana Cooper (DIAC)
- Robert Edwards (EDWS)
- Mary Agnes Hamilton (HMTN)
- Maurice Hankey (HNKY)
- James Headlam-Morley (HDLM)
- Kenneth Hutchison (HTSN)
- John Burns Hynd (HYND)
- Hersch Lauterpacht (LAUT)
- Stephen Roskill (ROSK)
- Sarah Churchill (SCHL)
- Mary Soames (MCHL) and Christopher Soames (SOAM)
- Interviews with Boni Sones (SOBA)
- Nigel Spearing, SPRG
- Michael Young and Phyllis Willmott (YUNG)