Online Resources
We have a variety of archive content available online, from whole collections that have been digitised, to an Access Portal where we host images, audio and video selected from throughout our collections.
We also have a wealth of secondary material relating to our collections, including our Research Guides, deep dives written by Archives Staff giving a closer discursive look into collections that they’ve worked with, and an online exhibition site where we showcase images from our collections with curated descriptions.
Access Portal
We have several hundred archival files hosted online on our Access Portal, and we intend to add more over time. This includes image, audio and video material.
This only covers a fraction of even our digitised material, as due to the age of the items in our collections, a significant amount is still in copyright, but as that expires or we obtain permission from the creators we have a trove of material ready to upload.
The most recent material from events held at or in conjunction with the Archives Centre, such as our biennial Roskill Lecture series, is first hosted on the College YouTube channel, and then is transferred to the archives annually, after which we upload to our Access portal.
We also have partnered with other organisations to digitise significant proportions of some collections, including those of Churchill and Thatcher, and those are linked below.

Exhibition site
Material on our access portal is presented as-is, alongside its catalogue description, but we also have an exhibition site where we go into much more detail describing aspects of material in our collections.