Our collections include a wide-range of documents by more than 570 political, military & scientific luminary figures from the Churchill era and beyond.

Our primary catalogue is hosted on Cambridge ArchiveSearch, along with most of the other Cambridge archives; help on searching ArchiveSearch is available here. Narrow down to ‘Churchill Archives Centre’ as a repository when using ArchiveSearch, if you just want to search our collections.

ArchiveSearch is currently down, but please contact [email protected] and we may be able to send you a catalogue in an alternative format. If you have booked a space in our reading room, you are welcome to consult our paper catalogues as usual.

Other links below offer other ways in to our collections, such as our Guide to Holdings, which lists all our collections alphabetically and also allows for searching our collections by subject, or research guides written by our team, but will ultimately lead to links back to our catalogues.

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We have several hundred archival files hosted online on our Access Portal, and we intend to add more over time. This includes image, audio and video material.

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Some of our most requested collections

Churchill College Archives

Founded by Royal Charter in 1960, Churchill College is one of the newer Cambridge colleges.

The College Archive at Churchill College is administered separately from the Churchill Archives Centre. It contains corporate and administrative records, photographs, academic records, and various historical papers and records relating to the College.