Who can use the Archives Centre?
Where do I start?

Our Collections

What collections do you have?
Can I search your catalogues online?
Do I need to pre-order what I want to see before I get to the Archives Centre?
How do I access/search the Churchill Papers?
Do you have any film of Winston Churchill, or recordings of his speeches?
Why are some archives closed?
How do I cite references to your records?

When including a reference to our collections in a footnote or bibliography, you should always follow the referencing style guidance set by your faculty, journal, or publisher. As a minimum we ask that you include the name of the repository (Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge), the name of the collection (e.g. ‘The Papers of Julian Amery’, ‘The Papers of Admiral Sir Doveton Sturdee’, ‘The Papers of Field Marshal Lord Slim’), and the alpha-numerical document reference as provided by our catalogue (e.g. ‘MTNR 5/6’ or ‘RTBT 5/2/1, file 4’).

I want to publish a picture of one of your records. What do I need to do?

Other questions

What job or volunteer opportunities do you have?
Is there any financial or academic support for students or researchers?
How does the Archives Centre acquire new collections?
I’ve still got a question. How do I contact you?