I was awarded the John Antcliffe By-Fellowship in 2019 and expected to attend the Churchill Archives Centre during the Autumn term 2020. Despite delaying the start date in the hope of attending in person, we eventually concluded that in Covid times the By-Fellowship should be undertaken remotely. I am enormously grateful to Churchill College for their flexibility. I am also astonished at the amount of research I was able to do without attending the CAC. This was due, in no small part, to the expertise and generosity of Senior Archivist Andrew Riley. Andrew listened to ideas, directed me to numerous personal papers and policy documents, and transferred hundreds of documents via WeTransfer. As a result, I was able to test concepts developed during my PhD on the 1980s financial revolution and, in particular, explore the impact of the politics and economics of the 1970s on the responses and strategies of the 1980s. This allowed me to substantially develop themes from my doctoral thesis and helped secure a book contract with MUP subsequently. In addition, during my By-Fellowship, I embarked on a new research project on Gender and the City of London. The project, which examines the experiences of women who worked in the financial sector between 1970 and 2008, was given significant support by the John Antcliffe Trustees.
Emma Barrett, John Antcliffe By-Fellowship