Document E
Letter to Quintin Hogg from Jimmy Langle, October 1938

Reference: Hailsham Papers, HLSM 2/43/1/6
“Mr and Mrs Quintin Hogg, MP
My dear friends,
I feel that as a man, in the street, also an x serviceman, wish to send congratulations, to you both, for the way you both show your kind spirit to the public, of the City of Oxford Election, on Thursday, Oct 27th, when the victory claimed was yours, – and from the first time that one, – had the honour of seeing and shaking hands with you both, i felt that you both were out for the welfare of the public, and as for our beloved friend Mr Neville Chamberlain our Prime Minister we think that he a very wise and Noble Statesman who Honour will last to the World End, and i can only wish you both – also dear Mrs Hogg – every good wish and may God in his great love and mercy spare you for many long year to come for the welfare of your country, Great Britain, and above all
God Bless our Royal Family,
Yours Truly
the well known
Mr Jimmy Langle
of Oxford City
Proud to be British
God Save the King”