Remote Services
Can I order copies of documents without visiting the Archives Centre?
Yes you can. Please complete the form linked below to do so. We are pleased to offer up to one hour of copying for free, per researcher, per month. The amount that can be copied in this time will vary by the complexity and variety in the collection(s) requested, and you should list requests for multiple files in priority order, in case we are not able to complete the request within the hour. We are typically able to process such requests within two weeks of submission.
We are happy to receive follow-up orders, but we ask that you do not submit a new request for a month after receiving newly taken images. This does not apply when we already have the requested files imaged or otherwise digitised, in which case we will make this clear.
It is possible, subject to availability, to request additional low resolution copying after the initial hour in a month. After the free hour we charge £25 per half an hour’s copying.
Can I copy documents in the reading room?
Yes, you are welcome to take photographs of documents in the reading room. No flash photography is permitted and no tripods, stands, or specialist equipment other than the camera may be used.
Copyright regulations as agreed to in the Researcher Registration should be adhered to.
Do you take credit cards or allow BACS transfers?
Yes. Please ask Archives Centre staff for further information and a link to our online payment system at [email protected].
Price list
Research / low resolution images: Free for the first hour per researcher per month, £25 per 30 minutes thereafter.
Publication / high resolution images: Typically £10 per existing image, or £15 per image newly captured in-house. Additional charges may be levied for particularly complex orders, those which require further processing, or those that require an external contractor.
Research / low resolution audiovisual material: Free if already digitised, or can be digitised in-house. Researchers may be asked to contribute to costs of digitisation where external contractors are required.