ABRAMS, Mark Alexander (1906-94)
Social Scientist; founder, Research Services Ltd.
Papers on social, political and market research, 1946-94, and on work of the BBC Propaganda Research Unit, 1939-41.
ACHESON, Professor Roy Malcolm (1921-2003)
Fellow of Churchill College.
ADAM, W B (fl 1918-1983)
Naval Interlude – Memoirs of a midshipman in 1918-19.
ADAMS, Rear-Admiral John Harold (1918-2008)
Papers on anti-submarine and anti-mining warfare, 1948-65
ADDISON, Paul (1943-2020)
Historian; research assistant to Randolph Churchill; Director of Centre of Second World War Studies, 1996-2005.
The collection includes Paul Addison’s research notes, personal and professional correspondence, and diaries. The collection also includes family correspondence, ephemera and diaries relating to Paul’s mother, Mary Pauline Wilson Walker (later Addison), and maternal grandparents, Ethel Mildred Pauline Walker (née Bourne) and Horace Wilson Walker.
AGAR, Alan
Papers on the history of the Electron Microscope, 1945-98.
AGNEW, Stair Carnegie (1872-1940)
Company Lawyer.
200 letters, mostly from Russia, 1888-1915.
AITKEN, Jonathan (b.1942)
Correspondence and papers, 1948-99.
ALBU, Austen Harry (1903-94)
Engineer; Labour MP, 1948-74; Minister of State, Department of Economic Affairs, 1965-7.
Correspondence and papers.
ALEXANDER OF HILLSBOROUGH, Albert Victor Alexander, 1st Earl (1885-1965)
Labour MP; First Lord of the Admiralty 1929-31, 1940-46.
Political papers 1920-64.
ALLEN, George Gordon (1891- 1980)
Naval officer and literary assistant to Sir Winston Churchill.
Autobiographical memoir of personal life and naval career and recollections of working for Sir Winston Churchill on the History of the Second World War, advising on naval matters.
ALLIBONE, Thomas Edward (1903-2003)
Physicist. In charge of High-Voltage Laboratory, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Manchester, 1930-46; Director: Research Laboratory, AEI, Aldermaston, 1946-63; AEI (Woolwich) Ltd, 1948-63; Scientific Adviser, AEI, 1963; Chief Scientist, Central Electricity Generating Board, 1963-70.
ALLILUYEVA, Svetlana Iosifovna (1926-2011)
Daughter of Joseph Stalin.
Memoirs and correspondence, 1984-2012.
Photographs by J W Almond, 3rd Electrician on RMS Rangitane, of British prisoners, captured by German cruiser Komet, disembarked on Emirau Island in the Bismarck Archipelago, December 1940.
AMERY, Harold Julian, Lord Amery of Lustleigh (1919-1996)
Conservative MP, 1945-66, 1969-92; Financial Secretary, War Office 1957-58; Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office, 1958-60; Secretary of State for Air, 1960-62; Minister of Aviation 1962-64; Minister of Public Building and Works, 1970; Minister for Housing and Construction 1970-72; Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1972-74.
Personal and political papers, c 1900-1997.
Also includes some papers of J.L. Garvin, relating to his biography of Joseph Chamberlain.
AMERY, John (1912-1945)
Film producer.
Personal papers.
AMERY, Leopold Charles Maurice Stennett (1873-1955)
Conservative MP, 1911-45; Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1919-21; Parliamentary and Financial Secretary to the Admiralty, 1921-22, First Lord of the Admiralty, 1922-24; Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1924-29; Secretary of State for India and Burma, 1940-45. Personal and political papers, 1858-1975
ARKELL, Lieutenant-Commander J O A, RN
Newspaper cuttings of distinguished naval officers.
Interviews with architects and engineers who worked with or knew Ove Arup.
ARUP, Sir Ove Nyquist (1895-1988)
Consulting engineer.
Personal and professional papers including housing and shelter projects during the World War II and major post-war engineering projects, 1923-1988.
ASHBURNER, Dr Michael (1942-2023)
Geneticist, student and Fellow of Churchill College.
Papers and publications on anti-nuclear and disarmament subjects including CND and the Committee of 100 in early 1960’s.
ASHMORE, Vice-Admiral Leslie Haliburton (1893-1974)
Memoirs of service in Royal Navy submarines in Russia during and after the World War I.
ASHTON, Catherine Margaret, Baroness Ashton of Upholland (b. 1956)
Politician and diplomat.
Papers, 1999-2015.
ATTLEE, 1st Earl, Clement Richard Attlee (1883-1967)
Leader of the Labour Party 1935-56; Prime Minister 1945-51.
Correspondence with Sir Winston Churchill 1941-5; drafts for his autobiography As It Happened.
BACON, Francis Thomas (1904-92)
Papers on the development of the Fuel Cell, 1940-90.
Copy of a diary kept by Ronald Peel during an expedition to the Libyan Desert led by Brigadier Ralph Bagnold, 1938.
BAGNOLD, Brigadier Ralph Alger (1896-1990)
Explorer, soldier and scientist.
Personal, scientific and military papers, including material on expeditions and research in the Middle East and North Africa, 1924-90, and on the Long Range Desert Group, 1940-1.
Member of team at Royal Aircraft Establishment researching axial jet engines, 1940-45.
Paper “The Early Development of the Aircraft Jet Engine”, April 1995.
BAKER, John Fleetwood Baker, Baron (1901-1985)
Professor of Mechanical Sciences at Cambridge, 1943-68.
Papers on engineering, World War II air raid precautions, and the University Grants Committee, 1925-85.
BALFOUR OF INCHRYE, Harold Harington Balfour, 1st Baron (1897-1988)
Conservative MP, 1929-45, Under-Secretary of State for Air, 1938-44.
Papers, c. 1917-88.
BANKS, Air Commodore Francis Rodwell (1898-1985)
Papers relating to Banks’s career in aviation, including an autobiography I Kept No Diary, 1983.
BARKER, Captain Nicholas John, RN
Personal and naval papers, particularly on service in South Atlantic, 1981-82.
BARKER, Paul (1935-2019)
Writer, editor and broadcaster, editor of New Society 1968-86.
Draft articles and lectures, press cuttings and subject files, 1959-2009.
BARKER, Sir William (1909-92)
Diplomat. Minister in Moscow, 1960-63; Ambassador to Czechoslovakia, 1966-68; Professor of Russian, University of Liverpool, 1969-76.
Papers on Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia, 1964-90.
BARLOW, Professor Harold Everard Monteagle (1899-1989)
Electrical Engineer; Member of Telecommunications Research Establishment, Air Ministry, 1939; Superintendent, Radio Department, RAE, 1943-5; Member of Radar and Signals Advisory Board, Ministry of Supply, 1947.
Papers on development of radar and microwaves.
BARNETT, Correlli (Douglas) (1927-2022)
Author. Vice-President of Eastern Arts Association, 1978-91; President, East Anglian Writers, 1969-88; Member of Council, Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies, 1973-85; Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge, since 1977; and Keeper of the Churchill Archives Centre, 1977-95.
Correspondence with Eric Dorman O’Gowan (former CDS to General Auchinleck) for “The Desert Generals”. Also interview with Lord Attlee and material about special subject taught by Barnett.
BATEY, Mavis Lilian (1921-2013)
Wartime codebreaker and garden campaigner.
Papers on codebreaking at Bletchley Park during World War II, and intelligence history.
BEAMISH, Rear-Admiral Henry Hamilton (1829-1901)
Naval papers.
BEAMISH, Rear-Admiral Tufton Percy Hamilton (1874-1951)
Conservative MP; Assistant to Chief of War Staff, 1912-13; Naval Assistant to 1st Sea Lord, 1914; commanded HMS Invincible, 1914-15, and HMS Cordelia, 1915-17; Admiralty, 1917-19.
Naval and political papers.
BEHRENS, Catherine Betty Abigail (1904-1989)
Historian and Fellow of Newnham College and Clare Hall, Cambridge.
Notes and working papers for lectures, articles and books.
Other material relating to Montgomery Belgion.
BELGION, Harold Montgomery (1892-1973)
Philosopher and journalist.
Papers, diaries and correspondence.
Photographs taken after the liberation of Belsen Concentration Camp, 1945.
Fragment of the Berlin Wall together with account by Michael Smyth (alumnus of Churchill College) of the boundary between East and West Germany; obtaining the sample of the wall; and of Germany in the aftermath of reunification.
BERRY, Christopher (b c.1991)
Physicist and Astronomer.
Papers on detection of gravitational waves.
BERTRAM, Francis George Lawder (1875-1938)
Munitions Council Dinner Club menus and accounts and photograph, 1919-38.
BEVIN, Rt Hon Ernest (1881-1951)
Trades Unionist; Labour MP; Minister of Labour and National Service, 1940-45; Foreign Secretary, 1945-51.
Political and Trades Union papers.
War diaries, 1914-18, 1939-48.
BICKERSTETH, John Burgon (1888-1979)
Academic (in Canada); associate of many British politicians and civil servants.
Correspondence (photocopies) and reports to Maurice Hankey on Canadian affairs, 1932-40.
BIFFEN, William John, Lord Biffen of Tanat (1930-2007)
Conservative Politician. MP for Salop, Oswestry, 1961-1983 and for Shropshire North, 1983-97; Chief Secretary to the Treasury, 1979-81; Secretary of State for Trade, 1981-82; Lord President of the Council, 1982-83; Leader of House of Commons, 1982-87 and Lord Privy Seal, 1983-87.
Personal and political papers.
BINNEY, Sir George (1900-72)
Hudson Bay Company, 1926-30; United Steel Companies Ltd, 1930-9 and from 1945; Arctic explorer; Assistant Commercial Attaché in Stockholm, 1940-2; wartime blockade runner to and from Sweden, 1941-5; Commander, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, 1942-5.
Papers of and relating to Binney collected by Ralph Barker for his book on Binney’s blockade-busting activities in Northern waters in World War II.
BLAND, Sir George Nevile Maltby (1886-1972)
Diplomat. British Envoy and Ambassador to the Netherlands, 1938-48.
Correspondence and papers.
Research papers for his books The Nationalisation of British Transport and The Channel Tunnel Story.
BONDI, Professor Sir Hermann (1919-2005)
Mathematician and Master of Churchill College, 1983-90.
Correspondence and papers, including papers relating to Churchill College and video cassettes of television interviews, 1982 and 1987.
BONHAM-CARTER, General Sir Charles (1876-1955)
Governor of Malta, 1936-40.
World War I diaries, correspondence and Malta papers.
BONHAM-CARTER, Lieutenant Octavius, RN (1873-1901)
Naval papers and letters, 1885-1903. Also Midshipman’s log and photograph album.
BORN, Professor Max (1882-1970)
Physicist. Professor at: Berlin, 1915; Frankfurt, 1919; Göttingen, 1921; fled Nazi Germany to Cambridge, 1933; Tait Professor of Natural Philosophy, Edinburgh, 1936-53 and Professor Emeritus, 1953-70; joint Nobel Prize winner for Physics, 1954.
Papers and correspondence of Professor Max Born and his immediate family.
BOWEN, Edward George (1911-1991)
Scientist; Member of the Radar Development Team, 1935; Air Ministry Research Station, Bawdsey, 1936-40; British Air Commission, Washington, 1940-2; Radiation Laboratory, MIT, 1943; Chief, Division of Radiophysics, CSIRO, 1946-71.
Papers on the development of radar, 1935-78.
BOWER, Commander Robert Tatton, RN (1894-1975)
Unionist MP, 1931-45.
Correspondence with some of the leading naval figures of the time and press cuttings covering Bower’s naval and Parliamentary career 1922-1948.
BOYCE, Professor Joseph Canon (b.1903)
3 letters from Sir John Cockcroft 1938-40.
BRACKEN, Brendan Bracken, 1st Viscount (1901-58)
Unionist and Conservative MP; Parliamentary Private Secretary to Winston Churchill, 1940-41; Minister of Information 1941-46; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1945.
Letters to Lord Beaverbrook (photocopies of originals in House of Lords Library) 1948-56, with Andrew Boyle’s correspondence regarding his biography of Bracken.
BRAMSON, Mogens L.
Engineer, influential in the development of the jet engine and the heart-lung machine.
Personal papers and photographs.
BRAY, Dr Jeremy William (1930-2002)
Labour MP, 1962-70, 1974-97; Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Power 1966-7, Ministry of Technology 1967-8, Opposition spokesman on science and technology, 1983-92.
Papers re Parliamentary Committees on Nationalised Industries, Science and Technology etc, and other political, economic, mathematical and constituency papers, 1953-97.
BRENDON, Dr Piers (b.1940)
Keeper of the Archives, Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge, 1995-
Papers on television series, The Windsors, 1993 and The Churchills, 1995.
BRETSCHER, Dr Egon (1901-73)
Clerk Maxwell Scholar, 1936-9, and Lecturer, 1939-44, Cambridge University; Manhattan Project, Los Alamos, 1944-6; Head of Chemistry Division, 1947-8, and Head of Nuclear Physics Division, 1948-66, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell.
Papers comprising diaries, correspondence, notebooks, official reports, articles, lectures, press cuttings and photographs, 1918-73.
BRETSCHER, Dr Mark (b 1940)
Research fellow, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge 1964-70 (research student 1961-64); Head, Division of Cell Biology MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Cambridge, 1984-95 (member Scientific Staff 1965-2005); FRS 1985.
Working scientific papers of Mark Bretscher 1961-2009, starting from his early work on the genetic code and protein biosynthesis, then moving into his work on cell membranes and cell movement. Also includes some correspondence and photographs.
BRETT, Reginald Baliol, 2nd Viscount Esher
BRIGGS, Asa, Baron Briggs of Lewes (1921-2016)
Papers relating to a biography of Michael Young, comprising drafts, notes and correspondence. (see also YOUNG, Michael Dunlop, Baron Young of Dartington)
BRIMELOW, Thomas, Baron (1915-95)
Diplomat. Minister, British Embassy, Moscow, 1963-6; Ambassador to Poland, 1966-9; Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and Head of the Diplomatic Service, 1973-5.
Typescript of two conversations about his experiences in the Russian Section of the Foreign Office 1945-7 and of Anglo-Soviet relations in 1945 and senior Foreign Office Officials at that time.
Day files of the wartime Chairman of the British Council, Sir Malcolm Robertson.
Transcripts of interviews with senior diplomats on their careers. Further details are available.
Nos 1-8, 5-26th May, 1926.
BRITTO, Keith (1949-2019)
Expert on psephology and on the analysis of opinion polling data. Conservative Research Department, 1974-1980 and 1993-95; Conservative Central Office, in the Marketing, Press and Communications and Special Services Department, 1980-93. Now Deputy Director of the International Policy Institute, King’s College, London.
Polling and other data.
Churchill family photograph albums and press-cutting books, and other papers relating to the Churchill family, 1803-1973.
Other material relating to Fenner Brockway.
BROCKWAY, Archibald Fenner, Baron (1888-1988)
Pacifist; Secretary of ILP, 1922, 1928 and 1933-46; Labour MP, 1950-64.
Post-war papers.
BROOME, Captain John Egerton, RN (1901-85)
Papers on Convoy PQ17, 1942 and legal action brought against David Irving for his defamatory book on the subject, 1968-72.
BROOME, Katharine, nee Anderson (b c1932)
Scrapbook and later memoir from Mrs Broome’s time as cook to Sir Winston and Lady Churchill, 1954-55.
BROWN, Lord Wilfred (1908-1985)
Chairman, Glacier Metal Co. Ltd; Director Associated Engineering Ltd., Minister of State Board of Trade, 1965-1970; Pro-Chancellor, Brunel University, 1966-1980.
Papers, correspondence and personal scrapbooks, 1930-2002.
Geodesy and Geophysics Department, Cambridge University.
Correspondence with Sir John Cockcroft with proposals for a geophysical survey of oceans, 1949.
BRUFORD, Professor Walter Horace (1894-1988)
Member of Naval Intelligence Division in World War I.
Memoirs of Room 40, Naval code-breaking unit.
BRUNDRETT, Sir Frederick (1894-1974)
Scientific Adviser to Ministry of Defence and Chairman of Defence Research Policy Committee, 1954-9; Chairman, Air Traffic Control Board; member of the White Fish Authority, 1961-73.
Lectures on the use of science in defence, 1951-63; papers relating to the White Fish Authority and marine research and development, 1963-71; letters and papers of the Air Traffic Control Board, 1971-72.
BUCHAN-HEPBURN, Patrick George Thomas
BUDDEN, Kenneth George (1915-2005)
Physicist. Cambridge University Emeritus Reader in Physics. Previously worked at Telecommunications Research Establishment, 1939-41; British Air Commission, Washington, DC, 1941-44; Air Command, SE Asia, 1945.
Unpublished memoir, lecture notes, laboratory note books and other papers, circa 1933-1985.
BUFTON, Air Vice-Marshal Sydney Osborne (1908-93)
Director of Bomber Operations, Air Ministry, 1943-5.
Papers and photographs, mainly on service with Bomber Command, 1939-45.
BUIST, Commander Colin, RN (1896-1981)
Naval signals at surrender of German Fleet 1918; midshipman’s log book 1913-15.
BULL, Sir William, 1st Bt (1863-1931)
Solicitor; MP; Chairman, London Unionist MPs, 1910-29.
Diaries, notes and correspondence, 1862-1943.
BULLARD, Sir Edward Crisp (1907-80)
Geophysicist; Assistant Director of Naval Operational Research, 1944-5; Director of National Physical Laboratory, 1950-5.
Scientific and personal papers.
Mounted print of the battleship HMS Bulwark at Malta in Feb 1906, following her refit, signed by [?] the ship’s officers, including Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet.
BURCHAM, William Ernest (1913-2008)
Undergraduate and Research Student, Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, 1931-39.
Notes and papers on Sir John Cockcroft and the Cavendish Laboratory.
BURGIS, Lawrence Franklin (1892-1972)
Assistant Secretary, War Cabinet, 1939-45.
Memoirs and manuscript notes of Second World War meetings of the War Cabinet, 1900-1979.
BUZZARD, Rear-Admiral Sir Anthony Wass (1902-72)
Director of Naval Intelligence, 1951-4. Later worked with the Institute for Strategic Studies, the Conference of Christian Approaches to Defence and Disarmament and the British Council of Churches.
Second World War naval papers and conference papers on arms, deterrence and disarmament, 1960-72.
The Cabinet Office is the secretariat to the Cabinet, the committee of senior Government Ministers responsible for controlling overall government policy.
Indexes to Prime Minister’s speeches, pledges and questions in the House of Commons, 1919-1964.
9 microfilm copies of documents in the CAB 134 “Cabinet Office: Miscellaneous Committees: Minutes and papers” series and microfiche copies of documents in ED 46 “Board of Education: Technical branch and further education branch” series of records both held at the Public Record Office.
CADOGAN, Sir Alexander George Montagu (1884-1968)
Diplomat. British Envoy to Peking, 1933-5, Ambassador, 1935-6; Deputy Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1936-7; Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1938-46; Permanent Representative of HM Govt in the UK to the United Nations, New York, 1946-50.
Diaries and papers, 1909-66.
CALDECOTE, Thomas Walker Hobart Inskip, 1st Viscount (1876-1947)
Conservative MP; Minister for the Co-ordination of Defence, 1936-39; Lord Chancellor, 1939-40.
Extracts from diaries on the Munich Crisis and beginning of the Second World War, 1938-40.
CAM, Professor Helen (1885-1968)
Printed material for the study of US affairs, c.1960-5.
CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY, Department of Engineering
Exhibition material on the history and development of the Whittle Jet Propulsion Gas Turbine.
CARDEN, Admiral Sir Sackville Hamilton (1857-1930)
Entered Royal Navy 1870; Admiral Superintendent of the Malta Dockyard from 1912; appointed commander of the British battle squadron in the Mediterranean in September 1914; naval commander at the Dardanelles before ill health forced him to relinquish his command; retired in October 1917 with the rank of Admiral.
Medals, papers and correspondence, 1869-1922.
CARRINGTON, Peter Alexander Rupert, 6th Baron (1919-2018)
Politician. High Commissioner to Australia, 1956-9; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1959-63; Minister without Portfolio and Leader of the House of Lords, 1963-4; Defence Secretary, 1970-4; Secretary of State for Energy, 1974; and Foreign Secretary, 1979-82.
Political papers, speeches, visit files, appointment diaries, press cuttings, photographs, photograph albums and scrapbooks, 1952-2011.
CARRON, William John, Baron (1902-69)
Trades Unionist.
Papers on Amalgamated Engineering Union and other related material, 1909-69.
CASEMENT, Sir Roger (1864-1916)
Photocopy extracts from diaries 1903-4; 1910 and 1911, prepared for case Rex v Casement, 1916; including account of trip to Iquitos to investigate ill-treatment of Indians.
CASSELS, James Macdonald (1924-94)
Professor of Physics, University of Liverpool, 1956-82.
Scientific Correspondence and Papers
CATHERWOOD, Sir Henry Frederick Ross (1925-2014)
MEP, Cambridgeshire and North Bedfordshire, 1979-93, Vice-President, European Parliament, 1989-92.
Papers on Europe, particularly economic, political and monetary union, CAP, GATT, Northern Ireland and relations with Eastern Europe.
CAVAN, Field Marshal Frederic Rudolph Lambart, 10th Earl (1865-1946)
Grenadier Guards, 1885-1912; Western Front, 1914-17, and Italy, 1917-18; Commander-in-Chief, Aldershot, 1920-2; military adviser, Washington Conference, 1921; and Chief of the Imperial General Staff, 1922-6.
Copy of an unpublished memoir.
CECIL, Charles (1872-1916)
Extracts of letters from the Front while serving as a Private in the Public Schools and Universities Brigade.
CHADWICK, Sir James (1891-1974)
Nuclear Physicist; awarded Nobel Prize for Physics, 1935.
Scientific and personal papers.
CHANDOS, Oliver Lyttelton, 1st Viscount (1893-1972)
Conservative MP; Minister of State Middle East, 1941; Member of War Cabinet and Minister of Production, 1942-5; Colonial Secretary, 1951-4.
Correspondence, articles, speeches, press cuttings and photographs.
(See also LYTTELTON)
CHAPMAN, Guy Patterson (1889-1972)
Campaign maps – Les grandes unités francaises, 1939-40 1 vol; manuscript of A Passionate Prodigality.
Manuscripts related to Sir Winston Churchill and printed ephemera, 1880-1976.
CHAVASSE, The Reverend Evelyn Henry (1906-1991)
Unpublished Naval memoirs Business in Great Waters: War Memories of a Semi-Sailor 1942-5.
CHESHIRE, Air Chief Marshal Sir Walter (1907-78)
Memoir of Allied Disarmament Mission in Saigon, 1945.
CHICHESTER-CLARK, Sir Robin (1928-2016)
MP (UU), 1955-Feb. 1974; PPS to Financial Secretary to the Treasury, 1958; Assistant Government Whip (unpaid), 1958-60; a Lord Commissioner of the Treasury, 1960-61; Comptroller of HM Household, 1961-64; Chief Opposition Spokesman on Northern Ireland, 1964-70, on Public Building and Works and the Arts, 1965-70; Minister of State, Department of Employment, 1972-74.
Personal and political papers.
CHILD, Christopher (b.1953)
Member of Neil Kinnock’s Private Office, 1983-92, with responsibility for international development and Africa, especially Southern Africa; head of the Correspondence Unit, 1983-87; from 1987-92 responsible for visit briefings, including during the General Election campaigns of 1987 and 1992.
Papers relating to Africa and the Commonwealth, 1985-6; papers on Kinnock’s visit to South Africa, 1991; briefings on key seats, 1991; briefings for the 1992 election tour.
Commemorative issues of newspapers 1897, 1953 and various.
CHRISTIE, Group Captain Malcolm Grahame (1881-1971)
Air engineer, traveller in Europe, especially Germany, 1933-40.
Correspondence and reports as independent investigator of German and Central European affairs on behalf of Sir Robert Vansittart, 1928-46.
CHRISTISON, General Sir Philip, 4th Bt (1893-1993) and Sir Alexander (1828-1918)
Autobiography of General Sir Philip and memoirs and letters relating to Sir Alexander’s medical service in 2nd Burmese War, 1851-4.
CHURCHILL, Clementine Ogilvy Spencer
CHURCHILL, Henry Winston (“Peregrine”) (1913-2002)
Nephew of Sir Winston Churchill.
Correspondence and albums relating to the Churchill family, particularly Lord and Lady Randolph Churchill, Winston Churchill, his brother John Churchill, John’s wife, Lady Gwendeline Churchill, Peregrine’s elder brother John G Churchill and Peregrine Churchill himself.
CHURCHILL, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer (1849-1895)
Conservative MP, 1874-95, including Secretary of State for India, 1885-6, Leader of the House of Commons, 1886, and Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1886.
Microfilm copies of correspondence, 1874-95.
CHURCHILL, Randolph Frederick Edward Spencer (1911-1968)
Son of Sir Winston Churchill. Conservative MP, Journalist and author.
Papers including literary, political and personal correspondence and papers plus scrap books, tapes and films, 1870-1992.
CHURCHILL, Sarah Millicent Hermione (1914-1982)
Actress and writer.
Papers including correspondence, literary papers, photographs, press cuttings, audio tapes and film, 1914-82.
CHURCHILL, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer (1874-1965)
MP; Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1906-8; President, Board of Trade, 1908-10; Home Secretary, 1910-11; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1911-15; Secretary of State for War and Air, 1919-21 Secretary of State for Air and the Colonies, 1921; Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1921-2; Chancellor of the Exchequer 1924-9; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1939-40; Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, 1940-5; Prime Minister, 1951-5.
Churchill Acquired Papers 1878-1977
Churchill Pamphlets
Comprising a collection of pamphlets featuring speeches, articles or other text by Sir Winston Churchill, 1904-99.
Chartwell Trust Papers, 1874-1945
Churchill Papers, 1945-65
Churchill Additional Collection
Other deposited collections relating to Sir Winston Churchill, 1880-1992.
Churchill Press Photographs, 1876-1965
Churchill Press Cuttings, 1919-76
Churchill Heritage
Images of Sir Winston Churchill’s paintings on cd, as used in the publication “Sir Winston Churchill’s Life Through his Paintings” by David Coombs with Minnie S. Churchill (2003).
Churchill Oral History
Interviews with former staff and colleagues of Sir Winston Churchill, and also interviews with politicians and soldiers on subjects including the foundation of Churchill College.
CHURCHILL, Winston Spencer (1940-2010)
Correspondence and papers, 1967-2009.
CLARK, Sir Thomas Fife (1907-85)
Press officer, Ministry of Health, 1939-49; and Home Controller, 1949-52, and Director-General, 1954-71, of the Central Office of Information, including adviser to the Prime Minister on public relations, 1952-5, and to the Earl Marshal on arrangements for the Coronation, 1953.
Papers comprising official papers, speeches, correspondence, press cuttings, photographs and audio tapes, 1934-81.
CLARKE, Captain Arthur Wellesley, RN (1898-1985)
Midshipman’s logs and photograph albums, 1914-17; autobiography, 1898-1974.
CLARKE, Charles Rodway (b 1950)
President, National Union of Students, 1975-77; Chair of Housing Committee and Vice Chair of economic development, London Borough of Hackney, 1980-1986; researcher, and later Chief of Staff, for Labour Party Leader, Neil Kinnock, 1981-92; chief executive of Quality Public Affairs, 1992-97; Labour MP, 1997-2010; Secretary of State for Education and Skills, 2002-2004; Home Secretary, 2004-2006.
Political and personal papers.
CLARKE, Sir Richard William Barnes (Otto) (1910-75)
Economist – Ministries of Information, Economic Warfare, Supply and Production; HM Treasury 1945-66; Ministry of Aviation, 1966; Ministry of Technology, 1966-1970.
Papers and correspondence.
CLARKE, William Francis (1883-1961)
Member of “Room 40” – First World War Naval Intelligence code-breaking unit.
Papers relating to the setting up of Room 40 and code-breaking activities in the First World War and to Clarke’s service in the Government Code and Cypher School, 1922-45.
CLAUSEN, Hugh (1888-1972)
Naval armaments engineer.
Technical papers and lectures, 1938-69.
CLUTTERBUCK, Major-General Richard Lewis (1917-98)
Papers on International Terrorism, 1971-95.
COCKBURN, Sir Robert (1909-94)
Scientist; Scientific Adviser to the Air Ministry, 1948-53.
Papers relating to research in radar, atomic energy and guided weapons, 1939-59.
Other material relating to Sir John Cockcroft.
COCKCROFT, Sir John Douglas (1897-1967)
Nuclear physicist; awarded Nobel Prize for Physics, 1951; Master of Churchill College, 1959-67.
Personal and scientific papers, 1921-66.
(see also BOYCE)
COLLINS, Flight-Lieutenant Joseph Edward (1916-98)
Royal Australian Air Force.
Memoir Some Notes on Coastal Command, 1940-1945 and associated papers on anti-submarine warfare, the Fleet Air Arm and the Liberator bomber.
COLQUHOUN, Cecil Brian Hugh (1902-77)
Resident Engineer, Mersey Tunnel, 1930 and Resident Engineer-in-Charge, 1933-1936; Director General of Aircraft Production Factories, 1941-4; Engineering Adviser to World Bank, 1954-7 and to Parliamentary Channel Tunnel Committee, 1956-7.
Papers, photographs and plans, mainly relating to Colquhoun’s work on the Mersey Road Tunnel, but also on the Channel Tunnel and other engineering projects.
COLVILLE, Sir John Rupert (1915-87)
Assistant Private Secretary to Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill and Clement Attlee, successively. Wartime diaries, 1939-45, notebook of the Bermuda Conference, 1953, and speech transcripts, 1963-87.
Roster, November 1943.
CONDREN, William Joseph “Con” (1900-1975)
Government photographer, Secret Weapons Establishment, Woolwich, 1939-45, UKAEA, Harwell, 194?-60.
Photographs and papers, 1939-54
COOK, Robert (“Robin”) Finlayson (1946-2005)
Labour MP, 1974-2005. Secretary of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Affairs 1997- 2001. Leader of the House of Commons & Lord President of the Council, 2001-3.
Personal and political papers.
COOPER, Alfred Duff
CORBETT, Lieutenant-General Thomas William (1888-1981)
Indian Army Officer; a Corps Commander and Chief of General Staff in Middle East, 1942.
Papers on the Indian Army, particularly cavalry, officer training, and the development of armoured divisions, and also on Corbett’s time as CGS to General Auchinleck, 1906-50.
CORFIELD, Sir Frederick Vernon (1915-2005)
Served in the Second World War and was held prisoner in Germany, 1940-45. Conservative MP for South Gloucestershire, 1955- February 1974; Joint Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, 1962-4; Minister of State, Board of Trade, June-October 1970; Minister of Aviation Supply, 1970-71; and Minister for Aerospace, DTI, 1971-72.
Political papers, speeches and articles, 1960-1980.
CORNFORD, James (1935-2011)
Academic and social reformer.
Papers, 1960s-1990s.
CORONATIONS, Souvenir Programmes and Press Cuttings
Drawings relating to the construction of the first UK high voltage transmission electron microscope at the Cavendish Laboratory, 1960-1964.
COSSLETT, Dr Vernon Ellis (1908-90)
Correspondence and papers concerning the development of the Electron Microscope.
COURTENAY, William (1896-1960)
Colour film reel shot by Courtenay, mainly from his experiences in the Second World War, including footage of Winston Churchill in Canada and giving the “Iron Curtain” speech, 1946, and footage of American forces in the Pacific.
COURTS, Robert (b 1978)
Politican and barrister.
Print of Courts’s maiden speech in the House of Commons.
Press photographs of the Royal Family and Royal occasions, 1947-53, the Churchill family, 1951-54 and World War II.
COWLEY, Lieutenant-General Sir John Guise (1905-93)
Army officer, including: Quetta earthquake, 1935; North Africa, 1940-3; Chief-of-Staff, Eastern Command, 1953-6; Vice-Quartermaster General, 1956-7; Controller of Munitions, Ministry of Supply, 1957-60; and Master-General of the Ordnance, War Office, 1960-2.
Papers comprising a memoir, articles, lectures, correspondence and press cuttings, 1959-83.
CRAWFORD, Major-General John Scott (1889-1978)
Deputy-Director of Mechanization, War Office, 1935-39; Director of Mechanization in charge of tank production, Deputy Director-General of Tanks and Transport, Ministry of Supply, 1939-43; Deputy-Director General of Armaments Production, 1943-5.
Memoirs, diaries, papers and photographs.
CRAWFORD, Virginia Mary (1863-1948)
Writer and propagandist on women’s suffrage, the Labour Party and Roman Catholicism; respondent in Dilke divorce case, 1886.
Correspondence and published works 1876-1940.
CRESWELL, Captain John, RN
Naval papers, 1911-73.
CRICK, Francis Harry Compton (1916-2004)
Molecular biologist.
Papers on protein synthesis and the genetic code for proteins, produced while Crick was working at the Medical Research Council Unit for the Study of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, c 1953-69.
CROCKER, Sir Walter Russell (1902-2002)
Australian diplomat; Lieutenant-Governor of South Australia, 1973-82.
CROFT, Henry Page Croft, 1st Baron (1881-1947)
Conservative MP; Under-Secretary of State for War, 1940-5.
Political correspondence and papers, 1908-47.
CROOKE, Admiral Sir Henry Ralph (1875-1952)
Diaries, 1909-54, photograph albums on Crooke’s naval career, and memorabilia.
CROPPER, Peter (1927-2020)
Desk Officer, Conservative Research Department, 1951-53 & 1975-79; Director, CRD, 1982-84; Special Adviser, HM Treasury, 1979-82 & 1984-88.
Cropper’s copies of papers on taxation produced by Lord (Arthur) Cockfield, 1978-79.
CUNNINGHAM OF HYNDHOPE, Admiral of the Fleet Andrew Brown Cunningham, 1st Viscount (1883-1963)
Correspondence and materials from various sources for the biography by Oliver Warner.
CUNNINGHAME GRAHAM OF GARTMORE, Admiral Sir Angus Edward Malise Bontine (1893-1981)
Naval papers and memoirs, 1913-80.
Issue of 12 May, 1926.
DALYELL, Tam (1932-2017)
Politician and political campaigner. Labour MP for West Lothian, 1962-83, Linlithgow, 1983-2005.
Political correspondence and subject files.
DANIEL, Admiral Sir Charles Saumarez (1894-1981)
Diaries of the Second Battle Squadron, 1914-16 and orders and signals on the surrender of the German Fleet in 1918.
Report of the Coventry Reconstruction Co-ordinating Committee, 1940.
Official Protection Officer to Winston Churchill, 1948-50.
Logbook, copy letters and photographs, 1948-50.
DAVIES, Geralt Wyn
Wartime British official photographs, including Quebec, Cairo and Teheran Conferences, 1943, and Chiang Kai Shek, 1943.
DAVIES, Professor Arthur (b.1906)
Account of the holding of the Leopold Canal by 20 LAA Regiment, September 1944.
DAVIS, Admiral Sir William Wellclose (1901-87)
Director of Plans and Cabinet Offices, 1940-2; Director of Underwater Weapons, Admiralty, 1945-6; Vice-Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiralty, 1954-7; Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet, and NATO Commander-in-Chief, Eastern Atlantic Area, 1958-60.
Autobiography, naval papers and photographs.
DE GAULLE, General Charles Andre Joseph Marie (1890-1970)
President of France, 1944-6, 1958-69.
16mm cine film of life of Général de Gaulle.
DE LA BILLIERE, General Sir Peter Edgar de la Cour (b 1934)
Commanding Officer 22 SAS Regiment, 1972-4; GSO1 (DS) Staff College, 1974-7; Comd British Army Training Team Sudan, 1977-8; Dir SAS and Comd SAS Group, 1978-83; Comd British Forces Falkland Islands, 1984-5; GOC Wales, 1985-7; GOC SE Dist and Perm Peacetime Comdr, Jt Forces Operations Staff, 1987-90; Comdr British Forces Middle East, 1990-1.
Papers comprising correspondence, manuscripts of books, lectures, photographs, slides and press cuttings, 1959-2001.
DE ROBECK, Admiral of the Fleet Sir John Michael (1862-1928)
Commanded Naval Force in the Dardanelles during the time the Expeditionary Force was landed, 1915.
Personal and naval papers, including midshipman’s logs 1875-1927.
DE SAUSMAREZ, Lieutenant-Commander Ronald Philip Stanley (d.1973)
Senior Naval Officer, HM Naval Base, Holyhead, 1918-19.
Papers, sketches and a photograph relating to HM Naval Base, Holyhead, 1916-19.
DEAKIN, Sir William (1913-2005)
Literary Assistant to Sir Winston Churchill
Research papers, particularly about Yugoslavia during the Second World War, 1950s-1990s, and material relating to work on Winston Churchill’s “Marlborough: His Life and Times” and his history of the Second World War. Includes transcripts and some photocopies of original documents dated 1701-1713, correspondence, source material and galley proofs.
DENHAM, Captain Henry M, RN (1897-1993)
Papers relating to his time as Naval Attaché in Stockholm, 1940-5.
DENMAN, Sir Roy (1924-2006)
Civil servant and diplomat.
Correspondence and papers, 1950-2005, mainly about Europe, including a diary of the negotiation of the UK’s entry to the European Economic Community, 1970-2.
DENNISTON, Alexander Guthrie (1881-1961)
Member of Room 40 and ID 25.
Papers on code-breaking in Room 40 in World War I and ID 25 in World War II, and Royal Naval College, Osborne photographs, 1908-79.
DEUTSCH, Geheimrat Felix (1858-1928)
Translation of autobiography Mein Leben; 100 letters (photocopies) between various members of the Deutsch/Kahn family relating to World War I.
DICKENS, Captain Peter, RN (1900-1992)
Memoir of his naval career including the “Amethyst Incident” of 1949, Polaris and Chevaline, also includes Midshipman’s log, photographs, correspondence and family memorabilia. See also SCOTT.
DICKSON, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir William (1898-1987)
Papers and photographs mainly concerning his service as Chief of Air Staff, 1953-6.
DILKE, Ashton Wentworth (1850-83)
Liberal MP; journalist, writer on Russia.
DILKE, Charles Wentworth (1789-1864)
Editor and critic.
DILKE, Sir Charles Wentworth, 1st Bt. (1810-69)
Organiser of the 1851 and 1862 exhibitions.
DILKE, Rt Hon Sir Charles Wentworth, 2nd Bt. (1843-1911)
Liberal MP; Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1880-2; author.
Correspondence and papers.
DIRAC, Professor Paul Adrien Maurice (1902-84)
Physicist. Awarded Nobel Prize for Physics, 1933.
Photocopies of correspondence and papers, 1924-71.
DITCHAM, Anthony (b.1923)
Midshipman on board HMS Renown and HMS Holderness, 1940-42.
Copy of midshipman’s log, and memoir based on the log.
DONALD, Dame Athene (b.1953)
Physicist. Educated at Camden school for Girls and University of Cambridge. Postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University, 1977-81, then University of Cambridge where she became Professor of Experimental Physics in 1998. Director of the Women in Science, Engineering and Technology Initiative, 2007-14, and Gender Equality Champion, 2010-14. Master of Churchill College, Cambridge from 2014.
Personal and scientific papers, c1970-2016.
DONOUGHUE OF ASHTON, Bernard Donoughue, Baron (b.1934)
Academic, London School of Economics, 1963-74; Senior Policy Adviser to the Prime Minister, 1974-79; Assistant Editor, The Times, 1981-82; Opposition spokesman on Treasury, 1991-92, on Energy, 1991-93, on National Heritage, 1992-97; and Parliamentary Under Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 1997-99.
DONOVAN, Major-General William J (1883-1959)
Director of Strategic Services, US, 1942-5.
Transcripts and microfilm of papers and interviews used by Anthony Cave Brown in his biography of General Donovan; microfilm (191 reels) of records of OSS, 1941-5, including Director’s cables.
DOWNING, D Calybut
Midshipman’s logs and photographs, 1906-8.
Photographs, press cuttings and promotional material on the work of the Dracones oil barges during the oil crisis, 1957-75.
DRAX, Admiral Hon. Sir Reginald Aylmer Ranfurly Plunkett-Ernle-Erle (1880-1967)
Naval ADC to the King, 1927-8, 1939-41; Home Guard, 1941-3; Commodore of Ocean Convoys, 1943-5.
Naval and political papers, 1902-65.
DREYER, Admiral Sir Frederic Charles (1878-1956)
Royal Navy, 1891-1943, including Assistant Director of Naval Ordnance, 1907-9; Director of Naval Ordnance, 1917-18; Director of Naval Artillery and Torpedoes, 1918-19; Director of the Gunnery Division, 1920-2; Assistant Chief of Naval Staff, 1924-7; Deputy Chief of Naval Staff, 1930-1; and Commander-in-Chief, China Station, 1933-6.
Papers comprising correspondence, a diary, articles, lectures, broadcasts and press cuttings, 1891-1955.
DU BOULAY, Sir Roger William Houssemayne (1922-2020)
Diplomatic Service, including Foreign Office, London, 1959; Washington; 1960-4; Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, 1964-7; Manila, 1967-71; Paris, 1971-3; Resident Commissioner, New Hebrides, 1973-5; and Vice Marshal of the Diplomatic Corps, 1975-82.
Memoir of working with Christopher Soames at the British Embassy in Paris, 1971-3, with notes on Christopher Soames as last British Governor of Southern Rhodesia, 1979-80.
DUNCAN-SANDYS, Duncan Edwin Duncan-Sandys, Baron (1908-87)
Conservative MP; Minister of Works, 1944-5; Minister of Supply, 1951-4; Minister of Housing and Local Government, 1954-7; Minister of Defence, 1957-9; Minister of Aviation, 1959-60; Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 1960-4, and the Colonies 1962-4.
Political papers.
EADE, Charles (1903-64)
Journalist. Editor, Sunday Dispatch, 1938-57.
Diary of meetings with Winston Churchill, 1939-55; material relating to Eade’s published edition of Churchill’s wartime secret session speeches; and biographical material about Churchill.
EASTWOOD, Sir Eric (1910-81)
Research Engineer.
Papers including material relating to the development of radar.
EDELSTEN, Vice-Admiral Sir John Hereward (1891-1966)
Chief of Staff to Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham, C-in-C, Mediterranean, 1941-2; Assistant Chief of Naval Staff, 1942-4; Rear-Admiral (Destroyers) British Pacific Fleet, 1945; 1st Battle Squadron, 1945-6; 4th Cruiser Squadron, 1946; Vice-Chief of Naval Staff, 1947-1949; C-in-C, Mediterranean, 1950-1952.
Correspondence, photographs and other papers, mainly from Edelsten’s time with the Mediterranean and Pacific Fleets, 1916-55.
EDEN, Douglas (b.1939)
Lecturer at University of London and Middlesex University, 1967-2001; Head of the Centre for Study of International Affairs (Europe and America) and Director of the Trent Park International Conferences on the Future of the Atlantic Community, 1996-2001; elected Member of the Greater London Council for Feltham & Heston, 1973-77; co-founder & Hon. Secretary of the Social Democratic Alliance, 1975-1981; co-founder of the Social Democratic Party and member of the Organisation Committee, 1981; Chairman of the London Social Democratic Party, 1982-88.
Papers of the Social Democratic Alliance.
Material relating to Sir Robert Edwards.
EDWARDS, Admiral Sir Ralph Alan Bevan (1901-63)
Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty and Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff, 1948-50; Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty, Third Sea Lord and Controller of the Navy, 1953-6.
Diaries and papers, 1938-55.
EDWARDS, Commander Francis William Boucher (1908-2003)
Fleet Signal Officer with Admiral Sir James Somerville, Commander-in-Chief, Eastern Fleet, 1942-44.
Correspondence and notes on Edwards’s contribution to historical papers and publications relating to Admiral Somerville and the Eastern Fleet, 1977-90.
EDWARDS, Sir Robert Geoffrey (1925-2013)
Professor of Human Reproduction
Personal and scientific papers relating to Edwards’s work on in vitro fertilisation.
EINZIG, Paul (1897-1973)
Economist and writer.
Correspondence and papers, 1918-73.
ELLIS, Captain Robert Meyric, RN (1901-81)
Royal Navy, 1917-47, including Assistant Director, 1937-9, and Deputy Director, 1939-41, Naval Air Division of the Admiralty, and Assistant Chief of Combined Operations, 1942-3, and Director of Combined Operations Division of the Admiralty, 1943-5.
Papers comprising a draft memoir and official naval papers, 1933-48.
ELMHIRST, Air Marshal Sir Thomas Walker (1895-1982)
Deputy Director (Intelligence), Air Ministry and Air Commodore HQ Fighter Command, 1940; British Mission to Turkey, 1941; AOC, Egypt, 1941; 2nd in command Desert Air Force, 1942; AOC Administration NW Africa, 1943; 2nd in command, British Air Forces in NW Europe, 1944-5; Assistant Chief of Air Staff (Intelligence), 1945-7; Chief of Inter-Service Administration in India, 1947; first Commander-in-Chief, Indian Air Force, 1947-50.
Official papers, personal correspondence, literary material and recorded memoirs, 1896-1977.
Memoir of working in the radio astronomy group at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, 1948-89, particularly with Martin Ryle.
ERLE, Lieutenant-General Thomas (c.1650-1720)
Commander-in-Chief of Ireland, 1700; Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance, 1705-12, 1714-18; Governor of Portsmouth, 1714-18.
Correspondence, political and military papers, 1650-1965.
ESHER, 2nd Viscount, Reginald Baliol Brett (1852-1930)
Member of Committee of Imperial Defence, and intimate of King Edward VII and King George V.
Diaries, correspondence and papers, 1861-1930.
EVANS, George Clifford (1913-2006)
Reader in Experimental Ecology.
Correspondence and papers, mainly on Evans’s wartime work on the development of radar, 1939-2006.
Driver, Royal Engineers.
Account of the Dunkirk evacuation, 1940.
FARRELLY, Sister Francis Mary
Account of internment by the Japanese in Borneo, 1942.
FARREN, Sir William Scott (1892-1970)
Aeronautical engineer; Director of Technical Development, Ministry of Aircraft Production, 1940-1.
Papers and photographs, 1915-68.
FAWCETT, Commander Harold William (1891-1964)
Senior instructor, anti-submarine school, 1920-24; Anti-Submarine Warfare Division of the Naval Staff, 1939-45.
Photographs of Battle of Jutland; anti-submarine warfare papers, particularly on the use of radar, 1911-58.
FEATHER, Professor Norman (1904-78)
Papers on nuclear physics and radioactivity, 1915-1978.
FELL, Captain William Richmond, RN (1897-1981)
Royal Navy, 1915-48. Retained by the Admiralty as a salvage expert and supervised salvage operations during the Suez Crisis, 1956-7.
Papers comprising diaries, log books, correspondence, official papers and photographs, 1915-1969.
Papers concerning Margaret Thatcher’s time as constituency Member of Parliament, including details of surgery cases and related correspondence, and details of constituency engagements etc, 1959-1992.
FINLAYSON, Horace Courtenay Forbes (1885-1969), financial expert
Financial adviser to the British Embassy in Berlin, 1923-8; and technical secretary to the British representatives on the Dawes Committee, 1923-4.
Diaries and correspondence, 1921-1949.
FISHER, Admiral of the Fleet John Arbuthnot Fisher, 1st Baron (1841-1920)
Controller of the Navy; Lord of the Admiralty, 1892-7; Commander-in-Chief on the North American and West Indies Station, 1897-9; Delegate to Peace Conference at The Hague, 1899; Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Station, 1899-1902; Second Sea Lord, 1902-3; Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth, 1903-4; First Sea Lord, 1904-10 and 1914-15; Chairman, Royal Commission on Oil Fuel, 1912.
Papers and correspondence, 1696-1979.
FISHER, Admiral Sir William Wordsworth (1875-1937)
Midshipman, 1890-94; Captain of HMS St Vincent during the Battle of Jutland; Director of Anti-Submarine Division, Admiralty, 1917-18; Chief of Staff, Mediterranean Fleet, 1919-22, Atlantic Fleet, 1922-4; Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff, 1928-30; Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet, 1932-36.
Midshipman’s Logs with later notes and comments, 1890-1959, letters written to Fisher’s family during his early career and the First World War and a framed photograph of Fisher.
Papers and correspondence from Sir Winston Churchill’s solicitors, chiefly Anthony Moir, including commemorative albums, 1947-72.
Collection of reports of Detachment 101, OSS Burma and South East Asia, 1944-6.
FLIGHT, Howard (b.1948)
Conservative politician. Member of Parliament for Arundel and South Downs from 1997 to 2005. Shadow Economic Secretary to the Treasury 1999-2001, Shadow Paymaster General to 2002, then Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, 2002-2004. Raised to the peerage in January 2011.
Papers relating to Flight’s resignation as Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party and deselection as a Conservative parliamentary candidate.
FLOUD, Sir Francis Lewis Castle (1875-1965)
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 1920-7; Chairman of Board of Customs and Excise, 1927-30; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour, 1930-4; High Commissioner in Canada, 1934-8.
Papers, speeches and cuttings, 1884-1947.
Company records, 1912-22.
FOOT, Rt Hon. Sir Dingle Mackintosh (1905-78)
Liberal and Labour MP; Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Economic Warfare, 1940-5; Solicitor General, 1964-7.
Political, legal and personal papers, 1925-78.
FORBES, Bryan (1926-2013)
English film director, screenwriter, film producer, actor and novelist.
Papers, mainly correspondence with key conservative figures, including Edward Heath, Margaret Thatcher and John Major, advising on Party Political Broadcasts and the British film industry.
FORBES, Sir Archibald Finlayson (1903-89)
Chartered Accountant; Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Aircraft Production, 1940-3; Member of the Aircraft Council, 1942-5; Chairman, First Iron and Steel Board, 1946-9; Chairman, Iron and Steel Board, 1953-9; President, British Bankers’ Association, 1970-2.
Papers, mainly relating to Iron and Steel Board, banking and other interests.
FORD, Joseph Francis (1912-93)
Diplomat. British Consul-General, Hanoi, 1960-2, New Orleans, 1963-4.
Diaries, 1960-4, and later memoir.
FOWLE, Major H. A.
Royal Artillery.
Journal of voyage to Malta and home, 1941.
FRANCIS-WILLIAMS, Edward Francis Williams, Baron (1903-70)
Author and journalist. Controller of News and Censorship, Ministry of Information, 1941-5; Adviser on Public Relations to the Prime Minister, 1945-7.
Manuscripts and typescripts of published works; correspondence, 1937-70.
FRANKLIN, Rosalind Elsie (1920-58)
Scientific correspondence and papers, 1927-58.
Most of Franklin’s papers are available online on the Wellcome Library’s website.
FRANKLIN, Sir Michael (1927-2019)
Civil servant: Private Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 1961-4; Head of the European Secretariat, Cabinet Office, 1977-81; Permanent Secretary, Department of Trade, 1982-3; Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 1983-7.
Diaries, memoirs and related papers, 1964-84.
FRENCH, Captain Godfrey Alexander, RN (b.1900)
Naval papers, 1937-85.
FREND, Rev Professor William Hugh Clifford (1916-2005)
Ecclesiastical historian.
Account by Frend of his dealings with [Ernst von] Weizsacker and the German embassy to the Vatican in July and August 1944 and the failure of a plot to assassinate Hitler.
FRIEDLANDER, Frederick Gerard (1917-2001)
Autobiography, 1917-35, including memories of Friedlander’s mother Ruth Fischer, founder of the Austrian Communist Party.
FUSION, History of
Papers on the early days of controlled thermonuclear fusion research in the UK, 1945-60, compiled by Dr J D Lawson, FRS.
See also LAWSON, John David (1923-2008).
GALLOWAY, Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander (1895-1977)
Correspondence 1958-1975, including Lord Montgomery of Alamein.
GARDINER, Gerald Austin Gardiner, Baron (1900-90)
Lord Chancellor, 1964-1970.
Correspondence and papers about law reform.
GASCOYNE-CECIL, Hugh Richard Heathcote
GEDDES, Auckland Campbell Geddes, 1st Baron (1879-1954)
Unionist MP; Director of Recruiting, War Office, 1916-17; Minister of National Service 1917-19; President of the Local Government Board, 1918; Minister of Reconstruction, 1919; President of the Board of Trade, 1919-20; British Ambassador to Washington, 1920-4.
Private papers and correspondence, 1885-1954, and family papers, 1783-1963.
GEIKIE-COBB, Ivo (1887-1953)
Physician, author and journalist.
Letters chiefly relating to Geikie-Cobb’s commissioning of BBC broadcast talks during the Second World War, 1940-52.
GILBERT, Sir Martin John (1936-2015)
Historian, author and biographer of Sir Winston Churchill.
Correspondence between Martin Gilbert and Robert Hastings relating to Gilbert’s work on the official biography and other Churchill projects, 1965-1995; and Gilbert’s correspondence with Churchill College (including Churchill Archives Centre) staff, 1968-2005.
GILCHRIST, Sir Andrew Graham (1910-93)
Soldier, diplomat and administrator. Diplomatic Service, 1933-70, Ambassador at Reykjavik, Djakarta and Dublin; Chairman, Highlands and Islands Development Board, 1970-6.
Military, diplomatic and literary papers, 1937-93.
Other material relating to 1st Baron Gladwyn.
GLADWYN, Cynthia Jebb (1898-1990)
Wife of 1st Baron Gladwyn, political hostess and diarist.
Correspondence, diaries and personal papers, 1912-91.
GLADWYN, Hubert Miles Gladwyn Jebb, 1st Baron (1900-96)
Diplomat. Private Secretary to the Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office, 1937-40; Ambassador to France, 1954-60; MEP, 1973-6; President of the European Movement; Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party in the House of Lords, and Liberal Spokesman on Foreign Affairs and Defence, 1965-88.
Diplomatic, personal and political papers, 1875-2002.
GLAUERT, Audrey Marion (1925-2015)
Electron Microscopy Scientist.
Publications, correspondence, pocket diaries, photographs and lab books.
Tapes of Secret History; television programme on the loss of the aircraft carrier, HMS Glorious in the Norwegian Campaign, 1940.
GODFREY-FAUSSETT, Captain Sir Bryan Godfrey, RN (1863-1945)
Royal Navy, 1877-1906; Equerry-in-Ordinary to King George V, 1901-36, and King Edward VIII, 1936, and Extra Equerry to King George VI, 1937-45.
Papers comprising correspondence, diaries, scrapbooks and photographs, 1876-1945.
GODFREY, Admiral John Henry (1888-1971)
Director of Naval Intelligence, 1939-42; Flag Officer commanding Royal Indian Navy, 1943-6. Memoirs.
GOLLIN, Geoffrey J (1901-92)
Papers and photographs of experiments on rockets and power jets, 1938-42.
GOODALL, David (1931-2016)
Diplomat serving as Head of Western European Department, Foreign Office, 1975-9; Minister, Bonn, 1979-82; Deputy Secretary, Cabinet Office, l982-4; Deputy Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office, 1984-7; and High Commissioner to India, 1987-91.
Memoir on “The making of the Anglo-Irish agreement of 1985”
GOODEVE, Sir Charles Frederick (1904-80)
Chemist. Deputy Director of the Department of Miscellaneous Weapon Development, 1940-2, and Deputy Controller of Research and Development, 1942-5, at the Admiralty.
Papers comprising articles, lectures, correspondence, a diary, research notes, press cuttings, photographs and microfilm, 1920-80.
GORDON-WALKER, Patrick Chrestien Gordon-Walker, Baron (1907-80)
Labour MP; Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 1950-1, Foreign Affairs, 1964-5, and Education and Science, 1967-8.
Papers, including diaries, speeches, writings and cuttings.
GORDON, Major-General Charles George (1833-1885)
Soldier and administrator.
Four notes written in Arabic by Gordon while besieged in Khartoum.
GORELL BARNES, Sir William Lethbridge (1909-87)
Civil Servant; Personal Assistant to the Lord President of the Council, 1942-5, and the Prime Minister, 1946-8; Under-Secretary of State at the Colonial Office, 1948-59; Member of the Conservative Commonwealth and Overseas Council, 1966-75.
Correspondence and papers relating to his career in the Civil Service, 1942-75.
GRANT DUFF, Lieutenant-Colonel Adrian (1869-1914)
Assistant Secretary, CID.
Correspondence, 1905-14, and photocopies of diaries and correspondence, 1910-14.
GREEN, Flight-Sergeant Geoffrey (1919-?)
Personal Clerk to the Chief of the Air Staff, and the Prime Minister, 1941-5.
Diaries of Atlantic Meeting, Washington, Quebec, Cairo and Yalta Conferences.
GRENFELL, Captain Russell, RN
Correspondence and drafts for books on naval history, 1947-53.
GRETTON, Vice-Admiral Sir Peter William (1912-93)
GRIDLEY, John Crandon, 1904-1968
Joint Chairman of North African Joint Economic Mission, Algiers, 1943–1944; Economic Adviser to British Ambassador in Paris, 1944–1945; Chairman of European Coal Organisation, 1945.
Letters on Gridley’s life and work in Algiers and Paris and papers on the work of the European Coal Organisation, 1943-48.
GRIGG, Rt Hon. Sir Percy James (1890-1964)
Civil servant; Secretary of State for War, 1942-5.
Official and personal papers, 1901-64.
GUISE, George (1943-2020)
Consolidated Gold Fields Group, 1968-86; member, Prime Minister’s Policy Unit, 1986-90. From 1990-2003 held non-executive positions with Deloitte and Touche, National Grid and advised various overseas Governments on privatisation.
Policy Unit papers written by Guise for Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister, 1986-90.
HAILES, Patrick George Thomas Buchan-Hepburn, 1st Baron (1901-74)
Conservative MP; Government Chief Whip, 1951-5; Minister of Works, 1955-7; Governor-General of the West Indies, 1958-62.
Papers, correspondence, speeches and cuttings.
HAILSHAM OF SAINT MARYLEBONE, Quintin McGarel Hogg, Baron (1907-2001)
Conservative MP; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1956-7; Minister for Education, 1957; Leader of the House of Lords, 1960-3; Minister for Science and Technology, 1959-64; Lord Chancellor, 1970-4 and 1979-87.
Papers comprising diaries; correspondence; family and personal papers; manuscripts of books, articles, speeches and broadcasts; press cuttings and photographs.
HAILSHAM, Douglas McGarel Hogg, 1st Viscount (1872-1950)
Conservative MP; Attorney-General, 1922-8; Secretary of State for War, 1931-5; Lord Chancellor, 1935-8.
HALDANE, T G N (1897-1981)
Papers and diaries on service in Royal Navy during World War I and subsequent career as consultant on electrical and other power supplies, 1914-1975.
HALEY, Sir William John (1901-87)
Journalist, Editor of The Times, 1952-67; Director-General, BBC, 1944-52.
Diaries, 1922-86, correspondence, 1935-83, press-cuttings.
HALIFAX, 1st Earl of, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood (1881-1959)
Viceroy of India, 1926-31; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1938-40; British Ambassador to Washington, 1941-6.
Microfilm of part of the Hickleton papers, now in Borthwick Institute, York; papers and printed notes including meetings with Gandhi, Feb-Mar 1931, and time in Washington.
HALL, Admiral Sir Reginald (1870-1943)
Conservative MP; Director of Intelligence Division, Admiralty War Staff, 1914-18.
Memoirs and papers, 1915-43, and additional papers, 1851-1911.
HALL, Christopher G L
Britain, America and the Search for Comprehensive Naval Limitation, 1927-36. PhD thesis for Oxford University 1982.
HAMBLIN, Grace, OBE (1908-2002)
Personal Secretary to Sir Winston Churchill, 1932-1938; Personal Secretary to Clementine Spencer-Churchill, 1939-1966; in charge of secretarial and financial affairs at Chartwell, 1945-1965; Administrator at Chartwell for the National Trust, 1965-1973.
HAMILTON, George Cecil Hans
Served in First World War at Khartoum and at Gallipoli and in Second World War in the RNVR planning the North Africa and Normandy landings.
Account of the Normandy landings, 1944.
HAMILTON, Mary Agnes, nee Adamson (1882-1966)
Writer; Labour MP, 1929-31; British Delegation, League of Nations, 1929; Royal Commission on Civil Service, 1929-31; B.B.C. Governor, 1933-37; Alderman, London County Council, 1937-40; temporary civil servant, 1940-1952.
Diaries, 1938-1945, personal papers, and printed copies of Hamilton’s published articles and talks.
Battery Commander, Royal Artillery.
Account of experiences in France and Belgium, 1940, and in Normandy, 1944.
HANKEY, Adeline Lady (nee de Smidt)
Wife of 1st Baron Hankey of the Chart.
Correspondence with Lord Hankey and other family members (original letters and transcripts), 1903-1940; photographs; diaries; sketch books; and other papers.
HANKEY, Maurice Pascal Alers Hankey, 1st Baron (1877-1963)
Secretary to the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1912-38, the War Cabinet, 1914-17, and the Cabinet, 1919-38.
Official and personal papers, 1890-1963.
HARDINGHAM, Sir Robert Ernest (1903-91)
Aeronautical Engineer; Chief Executive, Air Registration Board, 1947-68.
Correspondence and papers, 1921-91.
HARDY, Russell (c 1900-82)
Theatrical impresario.
Material relating to Hardy’s campaign for a National Churchill Day, including material on Second World War Resistance movements, c 1910-c 1991.
HARPER, Captain Geoffrey Coleridge (1894-1962)
Royal Navy, 1914-31 and 1939-48.
Diaries, photograph albums and some personal papers, c 1900-50.
HARPER, Vice-Admiral John Ernest Troyte (1874-1949)
Royal Navy, 1888-1927.
Papers relating to compilation of the official record of the Battle of Jutland, 1875-1982.
HART DYKE, Captain David, RN (b. 1938)
Captain of HMS Coventry.
Copy of Hart Dyke’s article “HMS Coventry in the Falklands Conflict – A Personal Story” and photocopies from the supplement to the London Gazette on the Falklands Task Force, 1982.
HARTLEY, Brigadier-General Sir Harold (1878-1972)
Chemist; Controller of Chemical Warfare, 1918-19; Government Adviser.
Personal, official and scientific papers, c1890-1978.
HARVIE-WATT, Sir George Stevens (1903-89)
Unionist MP, 1931-59, and Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, 1941-5.
Reports to Winston Churchill on political events.
HASTED, Major-General William Freke (1897-1977)
Royal Engineers; Controller of Development, Kuwait, 1952-4.
Business papers on Kuwait.
Trustee of Winston Churchill Foundation USA.
Royal decree authorising Duke of Marlborough to use the name and arms of Churchill, 1817, and further gifts relating to Sir Winston Churchill.
HAWTHORNE, Professor Sir William Rede (1913-2011)
Master of Churchill College, 1968-83; Professor of Applied Thermodynamics, 1951-80; Head of Department of Engineering, 1968-73.
Personal and professional papers, 1910-1999.
HAWTREY, Sir Ralph George (1879-1974)
Economics papers and correspondence, 1780-1974; taped interview with Sir Alex Cairncross.
Other material relating to Sir James and Agnes Headlam-Morley.
HEADLAM-MORLEY, Agnes (1902-1986)
Daughter of Sir James Headlam-Morley. Fellow and Tutor in politics, St Hugh’s College, Oxford, 1932-70; Montague Burton Professor of International Relations, Oxford University, 1948–71.
Papers 1915-82, including: literary notes and drafts, mainly relating to Sir James Headlam-Morley’s work at the Versailles Conference; academic papers, including research and lecture notes; notebooks on current affairs, particularly on Germany (especially the control of Berlin) and East-West relations.
HEADLAM-MORLEY, Sir James Wycliffe (1863-1929)
Member of War Propaganda Bureau (1914-1917); Assistant Director, Political Intelligence Bureau (1917-1918); Assistant Director, Political Intelligence Department (1918-1920); member of the Political Section of the British Delegation to the Versailles Conference; Historical Adviser to the Foreign Office (1920-29).
Includes: papers on First World War propaganda; papers from the Versailles Conference; papers from Headlam-Morley’s role as Historical Adviser to the Foreign Office; Board of Education papers; literary papers; correspondence; academic and political articles and lectures; personal papers.
Letter to Sir George Darwin on Antarctic expedition, 1909.
Invergordon papers, 1931.
HERBECQ, Sir John (1922-2021)
Civil servant: HM Treasury, 1950-60, 1962-68; Private Secretary to the Chairman of the UK Atomic Energy Authority, 1960-62; and Civil Service Department, 1968-81, latterly as Second Permanent Secretary, 1975-81.
HEWISH, Professor Antony (1924-2021)
Professor of Radio-Astronomy, University of Cambridge, 1971-89; Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge, 1962-.
Winner (joint) of Nobel Prize for physics, 1974.
Papers comprising pulsar discovery charts, lecture notes, laboratory notebooks and logbooks, and correspondence and memorabilia, mainly about the award of the Nobel Prize, 1949-2013.
HEWITT, Patricia Hope (b.1948)
Public Relations Officer, Age Concern (National Old People’s Welfare Council), 1971–73; Women’s Rights Officer, National Council for Civil Liberties, 1973–74, General Secretary 1974–83; Press and Broadcasting Secretary, 1983–88, Policy Co-ordinator, 1988–89, to Leader of Opposition, Neil Kinnock; Senior Research Fellow, 1989, Deputy Director, 1989–94, Institute for Public Policy Research; Head, then Director, of Research, Andersen Consulting, 1994–97. MP (Lab) Leicester W, 1997–2010. Economic Secretary to the Treasury, 1998–99; Minister of State, DTI, 1999–2001; Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, and Minister for Women, 2001–05; Secretary of State for Health, 2005–07.
Personal papers and correspondence.
HICKLING, Reginald Hugh (1920-2007)
Solicitor. Legal Adviser to High Commissioner, Aden and South Arabia, 1964-7.
Memoir on the last days of the British in South Arabia.
HILL-NORTON, Peter John, Baron Hill-Norton of South Nutfield (1915-2004)
Second Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Personnel, 1967; Vice Chief of Naval Staff, 1967-69; Commander-in-Chief, Far East Command, 1969-70; First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff, 1970-71; Chief of the Defence Staff, 1971-73; Chairman of military committee of NATO, 1974-77.
Personal and official correspondence plus speeches and articles on defence and military issues and controversial political issues, 1968-2003.
HILL, Professor Archibald Vivian (1886-1977)
Physiologist; Independent MP, 1940-5.
Personal and scientific papers.
HILL, Rose Ethel Kathleen (1900-92)
Personal private secretary to Winston Churchill 1937-46, curator of Chequers 1946-69.
Personal letters; wartime photographs; a short memoir of her work for Churchill; collected ‘Churchilliana’; guest lists and arrangements for prime ministerial weekends at Chequers, 1940-64.
HILL, Sir John McGregor (1921-2008)
Physicist; Chairman, UK Atomic Energy Authority, 1967-81.
Scientific correspondence and papers, mainly on nuclear power, 1946-1994.
Coalmining engineer.
Copy of Hindson’s article in the Colliery Guardian, “The Future of Coalface Mechanization”, 1966.
HINTON OF BANKSIDE, Baron, Christopher Hinton (1901-83)
Engineer; Government adviser on atomic energy.
Lectures 1950s, 1960s; papers and autobiography.
HODSOLL, Wing Commander Sir John (1894-1971)
Assistant Secretary CID, 1929-35.
CID and Civil Defence papers, 1930-65.
HOGG, Douglas McGarel
HOGG, Quintin McGarel
HOOD, Rear-Admiral Sir Horace Lambert Alexander (1870-1916)
Naval and family papers, 1782-1959.
HOOKER, Sir Stanley George (1907-1984)
Copies of papers by Hooker on the historical development of gas turbines and jet propulsion, 1980.
HOPSON, Sir Donald Charles (1915-1974)
Soldier and diplomat.
Correspondence and papers, 1915-74.
HORABIN, Thomas (1896-1956)
Politician, MP Cornwall North, Liberal (1939-1947) and Labour (1947-1950).
Correspondence with Winston Churchill (1939-1953) and Clement Attlee (1947).
HORE-BELISHA, Isaac Leslie Hore-Belisha, 1st Baron (1893-1957)
Conservative MP; Minister of Transport, 1934-7; Secretary of State for War, 1937-40.
Letters and diaries, mainly relating to work as Minister of Transport and Secretary of State for War.
HORSBRUGH, Florence Horsbrugh, Baroness (1889-1969)
Conservative MP; Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Health, 1939-45, and Ministry of Food, 1945; Minister of Education, 1951-4.
Press-cuttings, photographs and papers, mainly 1930-54.
HOSKIN, Dr Michael (1930-2021)
Fellow of Churchill College.
Typescript diary of the bombing of West London, 1944 and photograph of the nuclear submarine HMS Churchill.
HOSKYNS, Sir John Austin Hungerford Leigh (1927-2014)
Rifle Brigade, 1945-57 (Captain); IBM United Kingdom Ltd, 1957-64; founded John Hoskyns and Co. Ltd, later part of Hoskyns Group Ltd (Chairman and Managing Director), 1964-75; Head of Prime Minister’s Policy Unit, 1979-82; and Director-General, Institute of Directors, 1984-89.
Political papers, 1974-82.
HOWARD-JOHNSTON, Rear-Admiral Clarence Dinsmore (1903-1996)
Anti-submarine specialist.
Copies of letters on work as Director of the Anti-U-Boat Division (1943-5), and as captain of HMS Bermuda, with the British Pacific Fleet (1947).
HOWELL OF GUILDFORD, Baron David Arthur Russell (b.1936)
Conservative MP, Guildford, 1966–97. Secretary of State for Energy, 1979-81, and for Transport, 1981-83. Chairman: Select Committee on Foreign Affairs, 1987-97; House of Lords Sub-Committee on EC Foreign and Security Policy, 1999-2000; House of Lords Opposition spokesman on foreign affairs, 2000-; Deputy Leader of the Opposition, House of Lords, 2005-.
Political and foreign affairs papers.
HUBBACK, David Francis (1916-92)
Economist and Chairman of the Simon Population Trust.
Papers and correspondence relating to economic and population issues, 1956-1991.
HUGHES-HALLETT, Vice-Admiral John (1901-72)
Before I Forget memoir on Combined Operations, 1941-5.
HUGHES-HALLETT, Vice-Admiral Sir Charles (1898-1985)
Director of Administrative Plans and Joint Planning Staff, 1942-44; HMS Implacable, Aircraft Carrier Squadron in operations against Japan, 1944-46; Deputy Chief of Naval Air Equipment, 1946-48, Chief of Staff to Commander-in-Chief Home Fleet, 1950-51; Admiral, British Joint Services Mission, Washington, 1952-54.
Correspondence, reviews, naval reminiscences and narratives from Japanese prisoner of war camps, 1918-85.
HUGILL, John Antony Crawford (1916-87)
Member of 30 Assault Unit.
Five diaries describing Normandy invasion, 27 May-21 Sept 1944, as a member of Ian Fleming’s “Private Army”, plus other papers.
HUMPHREYS, Major-General George Charles (1899-1991)
Memoir of time as Brigadier in charge of Administration, Burma Command, 1946-8.
HURD, Sir Archibald (1869-1959)
Journalist and naval author.
Letters, press-cuttings, scrapbooks and published works, 1893-1956.
HURREN, Bernard J
Notes and unpublished biography of Sir Barnes Wallis; and The British Aircraft Industry 1939 produced by Society of British Aircraft Constructors.
HUTCHISON, Sir (William) Kenneth (1903-89)
Chemical Engineer; Chairman, South Eastern Gas Board, 1948-59; Deputy Chairman of the Gas Council, 1960-6.
Papers, mainly on the production of autobiography, High Speed Gas, 1987.
HUTTON, Professor Robert S. (1876-1970) and Mrs S.
Papers relating to their work for European refugee children in Cambridge and adult aliens during World War II.
HYDE, Harford Montgomery (1907-89)
Research materials for The Quiet Canadian, (a biography of Sir William Stephenson, Director of British Security Co-ordination in the Western Hemisphere, 1940-46); Cynthia (biography of the British agent Elizabeth (Pack) Brousse); and Secret Intelligence Agent. Also papers and letters relating to Censorship and Security in Gibraltar, Bermuda and the USA during WW2. 1921-1985.
HYND, John Burns (1902-71)
Labour MP; Minister for Germany and Austria, 1945-7.
Personal, political and family papers, 1920-86.
INFORMATION, Ministry of
Leaflet for evacuees from France, 1940.
INGHAM, Sir Bernard (1932-2023)
Reporter, 1948- 67; Press and Public Relations Adviser, NBPI, 1967-68; Chief Information Officer, DEP, 1968-73; Director of Information: Department of Employment, 1973; Department of Energy, 1974-77; Under Secretary, Energy Conservation Division, Department of Energy, 1978-79; Chief Press Secretary to Prime Minister (Margaret Thatcher), 1979-90, and Head, Government Information Service, 1989-90.
Papers relating to his Government career as a press office, some material dating from mid-late 1970s, but vast majority of papers relate to his time at No 10 Downing Street under Margaret Thatcher, 1979-90, including copies of Press Office Bulletins and Lobby Briefing notes.
INGRAMS, William Harold (1897-1975)
Papers as Assistant Secretary of the Allied Control Commission (British Element) in Germany, 1945-7.
INSKIP, Thomas Walker Hobart
Correspondence, 1847.
Report on a visit to Italy to study position of Communism, 1951, author unknown.
IVANENKO, Professor D
Photographs of prominent physicists, 1934-61.
IVE, Ruth (c 1920-2017)
Radio Department of Postal and Telegraph Censorship Service.
Autobiographical account of her work during World War II including monitoring high-level correspondence on the transatlantic cable.
IVERMEE, Lieutenant R W A
Royal Flying Corps/ Royal Air Force.
Photographs of surrender of the German Fleet, and intervention in North Russia 1918-19.
IZZARD, Lieutenant-Commander Ralph
Papers of Forward Interrogation Unit during World War II, 1944-6.
JACKSON, Sir Geoffrey (1915-87)
Diplomat. Ambassador to Uruguay, 1969-72.
Papers concerning his diplomatic career and publications, in particular his kidnapping by terrorists in Uruguay in 1971.
JACOB, Lieutenant-General Sir Edward Ian Claud (1899-1993)
Military Assistant Secretary to the War Cabinet, 1939-46; Director-General of the BBC, 1952-60. Diaries, correspondence and papers, 1899-1993. Also included are some Boer War papers which were kept by Jacob’s father-in-law.
JACOBS, Isobella Sara
German refugee.
Aliens and registration papers, World War I, Restitution.
JAMES, Wing Commander Sir Archibald William Henry (1893-1980)
Memoirs of the RFC, 1931-6, and reminiscences of acquaintances.
JAMESON, (Margaret) Storm (1891-1986)
Five letters from Basil Liddell Hart, 1943-68; diary of a visit to Poland, September 1945.
JAY, Margaret Christian (Peggy) (1913-2008)
Politician and campaigner.
Papers, 1915-2007.
JAY, Peter (b.1937)
Economist and journalist. HM Treasury, 1961-7; Economics Editor, The Times, 1967-77; Presenter, Weekend World, 1972-7; Presenter, The Jay Interview, 1975-6; British Ambassador to the United States, 1977-9; Director, Economist Intelligence Unit, 1979-83; Chairman and Chief Executive, TV-am Ltd, 1980-3; Presenter, A Week in Politics, 1983-6; Chief of Staff to Robert Maxwell, 1986-9; Economics and Business Editor, BBC, 1990-2001.
Papers, 1947-2008.
JENKIN OF RODING, Baron Charles Patrick Fleeming Jenkin (1926-2016)
Conservative MP for Wanstead and Woodford, 1964-87; Financial Secretary to the Treasury, 1970-72; Chief Secretary to the Treasury, 1972-74; Minister for Energy, 1974; Secretary of State for Social Services, 1979-81, for Industry, 1981-83, and for the Environment, 1983-85.
Personal and political papers, correspondence, engagement diaries, speeches; press cuttings and memorabilia etc.
JENKINS, Kate (b. 1945)
Assistant Principal, 1968, Principal, 1973, Department of Employment; Central Policy Review Staff, Cabinet Office, 1976; Assistant Secretary, Department of Employment, 1979; Deputy Head of Efficiency Unit, 1984; Director, Prime Minister’s Efficiency Unit, and Under Secretary., Cabinet Office, 1986-89; Director, Personnel, Royal Mail, 1989-91; and Chair, Kate Jenkins Associates, 1991-2008.
Papers on “Next Steps” and related initiatives.
JEPHSON, Patrick (b.1956)
Equerry to Diana, Princess of Wales, 1988-90; Private Secretary to Diana, Princess of Wales, 1991-96.
Other material relating to Reginald Victor Jones
Articles on Scott of the Antarctic and allied subjects.
JONES, Aubrey (1911-2003)
Unionist MP; Minister of Fuel and Power, 1955-7, and Minister of Supply, 1957-9; Chairman of Prices and Incomes Board, 1965-70.
Papers, press-cuttings and diaries.
JONES, Reginald Victor (1911-1998)
Scientific Officer, Air Ministry, 1936; Assistant Director of Intelligence, 1941; Director of Intelligence, 1946; Director of Scientific Intelligence, Ministry of Defence, 1952-3; Professor of Natural Philosophy, University of Aberdeen, 1946-1981.
Papers, 1911-1998.
At present, only part of the catalogue is available on ArchiveSearch; the full catalogue is available either as the attached PDF, or on the National Archives Discovery catalogue here.
JONES, Sydney (1911-90)
Papers on the conformable wheel, 1980-90.
JOWELL, Dame Tessa Jane Helen Douglas, Baroness Jowell (1947-2018)
Papers and correspondence.
KAPITZA, Piotr Leonidovich (1894-1984)
Soviet scientist.
Papers, offprints collected by Professor David Shoenberg in writing his Royal Society obituary of Kapitza.
KARSH, Yousuf (1908-2002)
Portrait photographer.
Prints of Karsh’s portraits of Sir Winston Churchill, Ernest Bevin, Baroness Thatcher and Sir John Major, 1941-91.
KAUFMAN, Sir Gerald Bernard (1930-2017)
Politician: Labour Member of Parliament, 1970-date; Minister, Department of Environment, 1974-5; Minister, Department of Industry, 1975-9; Shadow Environment Secretary, 1980-3; Shadow Home Secretary, 1983-7; Shadow Foreign Secretary, 1983-7; Chairman, Select Committee on Culture, Media and Sport [formerly Select Committee on National Heritage], 1992-2005.
Personal and political papers, 1930-2017.
KEIGHTLEY, General Sir Charles (1901-74)
Papers relating to various commands during World War Two and in 1950s (including Suez); Governor General of Gibraltar, 1958-62.
KELLY, Professor Anthony (1929-2014)
Materials Scientist and founding Fellow of Churchill College.
Personal and professional papers.
KELLY, Richard Denis Lucien (1916-1990)
Lawyer and Assistant to Sir Winston Churchill.
Papers 1937-92, including his memoirs concerning his service as literary assistant to Sir Winston Churchill.
KEMMER, Professor Nicholas (1911-1998)
Professor of Mathematical Physics, Edinburgh University, 1953-79.
Personal and scientific papers, 1938-1988.
KENDALL, Professor David George (1918-2007)
Professor of Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge and Fellow of Churchill College.
Various papers.
KENNEDY, Aubrey Leo (1885-1965)
Diplomatic correspondent of The Times.
Journals mainly from Berlin, Geneva and London, 1919-46, and press-cuttings, 1923-41.
KENNET, Wayland Hilton Young, 2nd Baron Kennet (1923-2009)
Royal Navy, 1942-45; Foreign Office, 1946-47 and 1949-51; journalist, 1953-64; delegate, Western European Union and Council of Europe, 1962-65; Parliamentary Secretary. Ministry of Housing, 1966-70; Lords spokesman on foreign affairs/science policy, 1971-74; SDP Chief Whip in the Lords, 1981-83, and SDP spokesman on foreign policy, 1981-90; MEP, 1978-9, NATO, 1997-99.
Personal, political and literary papers.
KENNEY, Rowland (1882-1961), and KENNEY, Kit (1913-1988)
Official papers, correspondence and notebooks mainly about Norway and Finland.
KEYNES, Professor Richard Darwin (1919-2010)
Professor of Physiology, University of Cambridge, and Fellow of Churchill College.
Correspondence, 1950s-2000s, with some papers relating to the Anti-Submarine Experimental Establishment (1942) and naval radar research (1944-45); volumes of notes on experiments, 1947-79; research papers and data files, late 1970s-1990s.
KILMUIR, David Maxwell Fyfe, 1st Earl of (1900-67)
Conservative MP; Solicitor General, 1942-5; Attorney-General, 1945; Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Nuremberg Trials, 1945-6; Home Secretary, 1951-4; Lord Chancellor, 1954-62.
Personal and political papers, 1907-67.
See also MISC 106.
KIMBER, Charles Thorley (b.1912)
Royal Air Force, 1928-56.
Papers comprising a scrapbook and photocopies of a flying log book and a desk diary, 1928-83.
KING-HALL, William Stephen Richard, Baron (1893-1966)
Naval officer, politician, writer and broadcaster. Founder of the King-Hall Newsletter, 1936, and of the Hansard Society for Parliamentary Democracy, 1944.
Personal papers and correspondence.
KINGSLAND, Christopher James Prout, Baron (1942-2009)
Called to the Bar, Middle Temple, 1972 (Bencher, 1996; Master of the Garden, 1999); an Assistant Recorder, Wales and Chester Circuit, 1997-99. MEP (C) Shropshire and Stafford, 1979-94; Leader, British Conservative MEPs, 1987-94; Deputy Whip, 1979-82, Chief Whip, 1983-8; Chairman and leader, 1987-92, EDG; Vice Chairman., European People’s Party Parliamentary Group, 1992-94.
Political papers.
KINNA, Patrick Francis (1913-2009)
Stenographer to Winston Churchill during the Second World War.
Papers, photographs and memorabilia.
Transcribed interviews with Neil Kinnock and political contemporaries for a 1993 London Weekend Television Documentary about Neil Kinnock and material relating to Kinnock’s biography by Martin Westlake and Ian St John.
KINNOCK, Neil Gordon, Baron (b.1942)
Labour MP for Bedwellty, 1970-83, (later) Islwyn, 1983-95. Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Employment, 1974-75, and Chief Opposition spokesman on Education, 1979-83; Leader of the [Opposition] Labour Party, 1983-92; Chairman of the International Committee, Labour Party, 1993-94; a European Commissioner, 1995-2004 and a Vice President of the European Commission, 1999-2004.
Papers as Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition, 1983-92, and as a European Commissioner and Vice President, 1995-2004.
KLUG, Sir Aaron (1926-2018)
KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN, Sir Hughe Montgomery (1886-1971)
Diaries and correspondence, 1915-65.
Papers, 1937-9, 1941, 1966.
LAKE, Captain H Neville, RN
Accounts of Battle of the Atlantic, 1940, 1943.
LAMBART, Field Marshal Frederic Rudolph
Illustrative material on Fork Lift Trucks produced by the company and their factories.
Letters from Sir Alan Lascelles to Sir Rupert Hart-Davis, 1957-1981, chiefly on the Literary Society and on Hart-Davis’s books.
LASCELLES, Sir Alan (1887-1981)
Private Secretary to the Prince of Wales, 1920-9, to King George V, 1935, to King George VI, 1936-52, and to The Queen, 1952-3.
Papers, correspondence, diaries and photographs, 1896-1981, with some earlier family papers, 1846-1920.
LASCELLES, Sir Frank (1841-1920)
Diplomat. 2nd Secretary Diplomatic Service, 1871; Agent and Consul-General in Bulgaria, 1879; Minister in Roumania, 1886; Minister in Persia, 1891; Ambassador to Russia, 1894; Ambassador to Germany, 1895-1908.
Includes: copies of diary and papers covering his career in the Diplomatic Service in Paris, 1870-1, and in Berlin, 1895-1908; copy of the diary of his daughter, wife and Gertrude Bell’s journey through Persia in 1892.
LAUTERPACHT, Sir Hersch (1897-1960)
International lawyer and judge.
Includes correspondence, legal papers, lectures, literary papers and later biographical material relating to Lauterpacht, collected by his son, Sir Elihu Lauterpacht, 1920-2015.
LAWFORD, Valentine Nicholas (1911-1991)
Diary, typescript extracts from diaries and letters, and memoirs, 1937-50.
LAWRENCE, Sir John Waldemar (b.1907)
Draft typescript of book on modern society and the role of modern Christianity. Provisionally titled “Real Issues”, but may be early version of “The Hard Facts of Unity”, c 1960.
LAWSON, John David (1923-2008)
Physicist in government laboratories including at the General Physics Division of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell. Researched high power microwaves, nuclear fusion, and particle accelerators.
Papers and correspondence on Lawson’s scientific work, 1948-2009.
See also FUSION, History of,.
LE BAILLY, Vice-Admiral Sir Louis (1915-2010)
Papers on naval engineering and intelligence issues, 1930-92; includes some papers of R.F. Le Bailly and W.F.G. Le Bailly, 1885-1914, 1885-92.
LE VIEN, John Douglas (1918-1999)
Film maker.
Papers and photographs relating to his films about Churchill, 1929-1993.
LEEPER, Alexander Wigram Allen (1887-1935)
Diplomat. Served on British Delegation to Paris Peace Conferences, 1918-1920; and Lausanne, 1922-1923; 2nd Secretary in Foreign Office, 1920; Assistant Private Secretary to Lord Curzon, 1920-1924; 1st Secretary, 1924; seconded to the Australian Prime Minister’s Dept Melbourne, 1924; First Secretary at Vienna, 1924-1928; Counsellor, 1933.
Diaries, 1918-35, personal papers and correspondence, 1902-65.
LEESON, Charles L
Manuscript and tape of song Winston’s the Man for Us, 1940.
LEGGETT, George (1921-2012)
Interpreter (in Russian and Polish) for the British delegation at Yalta and Potsdam World War II Conferences. After World War II, he worked as part of the quadripartite forces of occupation in Berlin then went on to a senior position in the Ministry of Defence.
Potsdam diary including souvenir items and transcript, 1945.
LENNARD-JONES, Sir John Edward (1894-1954)
Physicist; Chief Superintendent of Armament and Research, Ministry of Supply, 1940-5.
Personal and scientific papers.
At present, only part of the catalogue is available on ArchiveSearch; the full catalogue is available either as the attached PDF, or on the National Archives Discovery catalogue here.
LESLIE, Sir (John Randolph) Shane (1885-1971)
Material for the biography of Admiral Beatty.
LESLIE, Sir Norman Alexander (1870-1945)
Ministry of Shipping.
Papers relating to merchant shipping and his inauguration of the convoy system in 1917.
LEWIN, George Ronald (1914-84)
Military historian.
Papers and correspondence relating to his books on World War II.
LLOYD, John (1888-1978)
Aircraft designer.
Papers and photographs relating to aircraft design.
LLOYD, John Selwyn Brooke
LLOYD, of Dolobran, George Ambrose Lloyd, 1st Baron (1879-1941)
Governor of Bombay, 1918-1923; High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan, 1925-29; Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1940-1.
Political and private correspondence, and official papers on Eastern affairs, India and Egypt, 1879-1966.
LLOYD, Sir Ian Stewart (1921-2006)
Conservative MP, 1964-92.
Political correspondence and papers.
LOGAN, Sir Donald (1917-2009)
Comments on service during Suez crisis as Assistant Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Selwyn Lloyd), 1956-8, with a copy of the Sèvres Protocol.
LUCE, Richard Napier, Lord Luce (b.1936)
Papers and correspondence.
LUND, Lieutenant-General Sir Otto Marling (1891-1956)
Record of visits to France and Belgium (photocopy), May-June 1940.
LUNGHI, Hugh (1920-2014)
British Military Mission, Moscow, 1943; interpreter at wartime conferences, 1943-45; chief interpreter, British Embassy, Moscow.
Papers from the British Military Mission to Moscow and the “Big Three” wartime conferences; files from the Reich Chancellery and Hitler’s bunker; photographs from the British Embassy, Moscow.
LYTTELTON, Alfred (1857-1913)
Unionist MP; Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1903-5.
Political, official and private correspondence, 1859-1913.
LYTTELTON, Dame Edith (1865-1948)
Member of Council of Society for Psychical Research.
Memoirs and correspondence, 1888-1945.
MACDOUGALL, Sir Donald (1912-2004)
Economist: Prime Minister’s Statistical Branch, 1940-5 & 1951-3; Chief Economic Adviser to the Treasury, 1969-73; Chief Economic Adviser, CBI, 1973-84.
Correspondence and papers from 1928-.
MACKAY, Professor Craig (b 1944)
Notes, overlays, photographs for optical counterparts to pulsars, c1968-69.
MACLEAN, of Pennycross, Rear-Admiral Iain Gilleasbuig (1902-88)
Deputy Engineer in Chief of the Fleet, 1952-5.
Papers on British naval and marine engineering after World War II.
MACLEISH, Commander A A F, RN
Midshipman on HMS Agamemnon during Gallipoli campaign.
Gallipoli diaries, letters and photographs 1914-16.
MACLEOD, Colonel Rory
Military assistant and close friend of Lord Ironside.
Volume of transcripts of Ironside’s letters to Macleod, 1931-1959 with explanatory notes by Macleod and copies of letters from Macleod about Ironside (1960).
MACRAE, Colonel R S (c 1900-c 1980)
Mechanical engineer and second-in-command of the Second World War weapons research establishment, M.D.1.
Correspondence and papers on the development of unconventional weapons in “Winston Churchill’s Toyshop”, 1920-71.
MADDOCK, Dr Alfred Gavin (1917-2009)
Papers relating to wartime nuclear research.
MALKIN, Sir (Herbert) William (1883-1945) and Margaret Burnet (b.1887)
Foreign Office: Assistant Legal Adviser, 1914-25, Second Legal Adviser, 1925-9, and Senior Legal Adviser, 1929-45.
Papers comprising correspondence, official documents, memorabilia, press cuttings and photographs, 1892-1970.
MALLET, Sir Victor Alexander Louis (1893-1969)
Diplomat. Minister, Stockholm, 1940-5; Ambassador, Spain, 1945-6, and Italy, 1947-53.
Copy memoir, 1919-46.
MANCROFT, Arthur Michael Samuel Mancroft, 1st Baron (1872-1942)
Conservative MP; Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs; Parliamentary Secretary to Board of Trade; Minister for Department of Overseas Trade, 1924-7; Financial Secretary to the Treasury, 1927-9.
Press-cuttings, books, speeches 1916.
MARGESSON, Henry David Reginald Margesson, 1st Viscount (1890-1965)
Conservative MP; Government Chief Whip, 1931-40; Secretary of State for War, 1940-2.
Political correspondence, 1924-50, and biographical material, 1924-79.
MARLBOROUGH, John Winston Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of (1822-83)
Conservative MP; High Steward of Woodstock and Lord Steward of the Household (1866-67); Lord President of the Council (1867-68); Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (1876-80).
Letters to both the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough from their son Lord Randolph Churchill, 1885-94, and other family letters, 1874-99. (Other letters, mainly political, 1840-80, previously held at the Archives Centre were transferred to Cambridge University Library in 1996).
MARPLES, Ernest, 1st Baron (1907-1978)
Conservative politician. Postmaster General, 1957-59; Minister for Transport, 1959-64.
Comprising correspondence, official and personal papers, pocket and desk diaries, press cuttings, photographs, audio tapes and dictaphone tapes.
MARSDEN, Captain Charles, RN (b.1894)
Navigating Plotting Officer on HMS Southampton at Jutland, 1916.
A photograph album and track chart of HMS Southampton, 1916-18.
MARSH, Sir Edward Howard (1872-1953)
Private Secretary to Winston Churchill, 1905, 1907-8, 1917-22 and 1924-9.
Photocopies of correspondence with and about Sir Winston Churchill, 1900-62.
MARSHALL, Sir Arthur (1903-2007)
Aviator, engineer, businessman. Chairman of Marshall Aerospace, 1942-1989.
Personal papers and correspondence.
MARSHALL, Walter Charles, Lord Marshall of Goring (1932-1996)
Worked at AERE, Harwell, 1954-57 & 1959-75, serving as Deputy Director, 1966-68, and Director, 1966-75; at the Department of Energy, as Chief Scientist, 1974-77; at UKAEA, 1969-82, serving as Deputy Chairman, 1975-81, and as Chairman, 1981-82; and at the CEGB, as Chairman, 1982-89. He was a member of NRDC, 1969-75, and NEDC, 1984-86.
Scientific and other papers.
The ArchiveSearch entry for this collection is currently only a summary, with the full catalogue in the linked PDF.
MARTIN, Sir John Miller (1904-91)
Private Secretary to Winston Churchill, 1940-5.
Extracts from his diary, letters and papers relating to his period as Private Secretary to Winston Churchill (1940-1945).
Photographs of Mau Mau Restrictees, 1960.
MAUDE, Angus Edmund Upton, Lord Maude of Stratford-upon-Avon (1912-1993)
Director, Conservative Political Centre, 1951-55; Conservative MP, 1950-58 and 1963-83; Chairman, Conservative Research Department 1975-79; Paymaster General, 1979-81.
MAUDLING, Reginald (1917-79)
Conservative MP; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1962-4; Home Secretary, 1970-2.
Constituency correspondence, 1971-9.
MAYWALD, (MAIWALD) Dr Karel (1902-79)
Czech economist. Professor of Economics, School of Political and Social Sciences, Prague; President, State Planning Office and Board, Prague, 1945; Member of Association of Former Members of Czechoslovak Parliament, 1950-3.
Writings and correspondence, mainly in Czech, on economics and on Czech exile affairs, 1945-79.
Copy of a Magpie political cartoon of Lord Randolph Churchill being rescued during the Aston Riots by Allen McDougall, Oct 1884.
MCKENNA, Reginald (1863-1943)
Liberal MP; President of the Board of Education, 1907-8; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1908-11; Home Secretary, 1911-15; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1915-16.
Personal and political papers and correspondence, 1883-1994.
McLACHLAN Donald (1908-71) and BEESLY Patrick (1913-86)
Authors and journalists.
Material for works on naval intelligence.
Other material relating to Professor Lise Meitner, mainly correspondence, 1918-1999.
MEITNER, Professor Lise (1878-1968)
Nuclear physicist.
Scientific, personal and family papers and photographs, 1862-1968.
MELLIS, Captain David B N, RN
Letters from Lord Cunningham of Hyndhope to Mellis, 1951-61.
British Intelligence Objectives Sub-committee and Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-committee reports on German and Japanese war industry, 1939-45 (HMSO 1945-8).
MIDDLETON, Admiral Gervase Boswell (1893-1961)
Captain of HMS Ramillies.
2 letters to his wife describing D-Day, 6 June 1944.
MIERS, Rear-Admiral Sir Anthony (Cecil Capel) VC (1906-85)
Papers covering service in submarines during World War II in HM Submarine Torbay, 1940-2, and in the Pacific Fleet, 1943-4, and during the Cyprus emergency, 1955-9.
MILLINGTON-DRAKE, Sir Eugen John Henry Vanderstegen (1889-1972)
Diplomat. Counsellor of Embassy, Buenos Aires, 1929-33; Minister to Uraguay, 1934-41; Chief Representative of British Council in Spanish America, 1942-6.
Papers on diplomatic and British Council affairs mainly in Argentina and Uruguay; diaries and scrapbooks, 1913-72.
MILNER-BARRY, Sir (Philip) Stuart (1906-95)
Later correspondence and articles on codebreaking and staff at Bletchley Park, 1974-97.
MILSTEIN, Cesar (1927-2002)
Molecular biologist.
Papers including correspondence and research notes, ca. 1952-2002.
See also this online exhibition on Milstein, from the What is Biotechnology web site.
The ArchiveSearch entry for this collection is currently only a summary, with the full catalogue available on the National Archives Discovery catalogue, or in the linked PDF.
MINORSKY, Fedor (alias Theodor Harris)
Diaries and memoirs of escaping the French Foreign Legion, 1940-2, invasion diary, 1944.
MITCHELL, Air Commodore John L.
Unpublished memoir The diary of a navigator on the Prime Minister’s private aircraft, 1943-45.
Papers relating to Mitrokhin collection deposited by other sources.
MITROKHIN, Vasiliy (1922-2004)
Archivist, First Chief Directorate (foreign intelligence), KGB.
Redacted and edited typescript copies of Mitrokhin’s original manuscript notes of documents from the KGB archive.
MONTROSE, 7th Duke of, James Angus Graham (1907-92)
Served in RNVR during World War II;
Photocopy of memoir of service off Crete in RNVR during World War II.
MOORE, Captain John Evelyn, RN (1921-2010)
Royal Navy, 1939-71, and editor, Jane’s Fighting Ships, 1972-87.
Memoir of training as Naval Cadet, 1939-40, with associated correspondence, 1992.
MORLEY OF BLACKBURN, 1st Viscount (1838-1923)
Studio portraits of F E Smith (later 1st Earl Birkenhead) and Lord Morley of Blackburn, 1910-1928.
MORRIS, Jan (1926-2020)
Getting to Know the Admiral, a series of five talks on Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher, broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 1995.
MOULTON, Major-General James Louis (1906-93)
Royal Marines, 1924-61; Chief of Amphibious Warfare, 1957-61
Literary papers.
MOWBRAY, Sir Robert Gray Cornish, 2nd Bt (1850-1916)
Conservative MP; Parliamentary Private Secretary to Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1887-92.
Press-cuttings, 1873-98.
Munitions Council Dinner Club menus, accounts and photograph, 1919-38.
NAIRNE, Sir Patrick Dalmahoy (1921-2013)
Civil servant.
Correspondence, working papers, speeches, diaries and audio tapes, 1939-2013.
NAMIER, Sir Lewis Bernstein (1888-1960)
Two letters from Winston Churchill about his Life of Marlborough 1934.
Papers on the Development of Naval Radar, 1928-97, including the papers of the physicist Eric Megaw.
Other deposited collections relating to the history of Naval Radar, inc JDS Rawlinson, c.1928-1988.
NEILLY, Albert
Petty Officer in the Royal Navy.
Photograph album of HMS Glorious, 1938-9, with miscellaneous papers, 1980-5.
Typescript of HMS Prince of Wales, Ship of Destiny.
NELSON, Commander J C H, RN
Memoirs of a Life in the Royal Navy, 1918-50.
NEMON, Oscar (1906-85)
Correspondence, memoirs, photographs, reference material and working material for Nemon’s sculptures of Winston Churchill and also Margaret Thatcher.
NEWBIGIN, John Lesslie (b 1947)
Arts consultant and former policy adviser to Neil Kinnock.
Speech drafts written for Neil Kinnock, as Leader of the Labour Party, with notes on speech writing strategy, and also papers on Labour’s Black Sections policy and ethnic minority representation in the Party.
NEWSOME, Noel (b.1906), and RITCHIE, Douglas (1905-67)
Journalists and broadcasters.
Papers relating to their work in European Service of the BBC during World War II.
NICOL, Davidson Sylvester Hector Willoughby (1924-94)
Diplomat. Sierra Leone Ambassador to United Nations, 1969-71; Sierra Leone High Commissioner to London, and Ambassador to Norway, Sweden and Denmark, 1971-2; Under-Secretary-General of United Nations, 1972-82.
NOBLE, Admiral Sir Percy (1880-1955) and Commander Rt Hon Sir Allan, RN (1908-82)
Naval journals, photographs, papers and correspondence, 1900-79; report on A-bomb tests at Bikini Atoll, 1946.
Material relating to Philip Noel-Baker and global nuclear disarmament.
NOEL-BAKER, Philip John, Baron (1889-1982)
Labour MP; Private Secretary to Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1929-31; Parliamentary Secretary to Ministry of War Transport, 1942-5; Minister of State, Foreign Office, 1945-6; Secretary of State for Air, 1946-7; Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 1947-50; Minister of Fuel and Power, 1950-1; athlete and peace campaigner.
Political papers and papers on disarmament and sport, 1899-1990.
NORMANBROOK, Norman Craven Brook, 1st Baron (1902-1967)
Civil servant: Principal, Home Office, 1933; Assistant Secretary, 1938; Principal Private Secretary to Sir John Anderson when Lord Privy Seal, 1938-39, and when Home Secretary, 1939-40; Principal Assistant Secretary, 1940; Personal Assistant to Sir John Anderson when Lord President of the Council, 1940-42; Deputy Secretary (Civil) to the War Cabinet, 1942; Permanent Secretary, Office of Minister of Reconstruction, 1943-45; Additional Secretary to the Cabinet, 1945-46; Secretary of the Cabinet, 1947-62; Joint Secretary of the Treasury and Head of the Home Civil Service, 1956-62; Chairman of the Governors of the BBC, 1964-.
Mainly slides, some relating to Normanbrook’s overseas tours with the Prime Minister Harold Macmillan, and also files on Normanbrook’s and other ex-Cabinet Secretaries’ response to the book by Lord Moran on his time as Churchill’s doctor, and some personal papers, 1919-93.
NORTH, Admiral Sir Dudley Burton Napier (1881-1961)
Naval papers, 1896-1975, mostly concerning dismissal from command, Gibraltar 1940, and efforts to clear his name, 1957.
NORWICH, Alfred Duff Cooper, 1st Viscount (1890-1954)
Conservative MP; Secretary of State for War, 1935-7; First Lord of the Admiralty, 1937-8; Minister of Information, 1940-1; Ambassador to France, 1944-7.
Papers and correspondence, 1905-86.
NORWICH, Lady Diana Cooper, wife of 1st Viscount (1892-1986)
Correspondence, diaries, literary material and photographs, 1900-86.
NOTT, Sir John William Frederic (b.1932)
Lieutenant 2nd Gurkha Rifles (regular officer), 1952-6; S. G. Warburg & Co. Ltd, 1960-66; MP for Cornwall, St Ives, 1966-83; Minister of State, Treasury, 1972-74; Conservative front bench spokesman on Treasury and Economic Affairs, 1975-76, then Trade, 1976-79; Secretary of State for Trade, 1979-81; Secretary of State for Defence, 1981-83; and Chairman and Chief Executive, Lazard Brothers & Co. Ltd, 1985-90.
Political papers, correspondence, speeches etc., 1950s-90s, particularly relating to Nott’s time as Secretary of State for Defence during the Falklands War.
O’CONOR, Rt Hon Sir Nicholas Roderick (1843-1908)
Diplomat. Secretary of Legation, Peking, 1883-6; Chargé d’Affaires, Peking, 1885-6; Minister in China, 1892-5; Consul-General, Bulgaria, 1887-92; Ambassador to Russia, 1895-8 and to Turkey, 1898-1908.
Family and diplomatic papers, 1785-1938.
Pdf of full catalogue available here.
Former Advanced Student, Churchill College.
Research notes on Sir Warren Fisher.
OATLEY, Sir Charles (1904-1996)
Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Cambridge, 1960-71.
Account of Oatley’s wartime work in the development of radar; papers and correspondence on the development of the Scanning Electron Microscope at the University of Cambridge Engineering Department; papers on Oatley’s development of the Electrical Sciences Tripos at Cambridge.
OLIVER, Admiral Sir Geoffrey (1898-1980)
Papers covering his career as a gunnery officer in World War II and as Commander-in-Chief, East Indies, 1950-2, and The Nore, 1953-5.
ONSLOW FAMILY (1741-1978)
Account by Captain Robert Franks of Admiral Sir Richard Onslow, 1741-1817, Captain R F J Onslow, 1896-1942, Admiral Sir R G Onslow, 1904-75, other Onslows in Royal Navy and HMS Onslow.
ONSLOW, Nina Edith, Countess of (nee Sturdee) (1922-2006)
Personal Private Secretary to Sir Winston Churchill.
Correspondence with her family while serving Sir Winston Churchill, 1941-57.
ORMEROD, Major Sir (Cyril) Berkeley (1897-1983)
Financial Adviser, British Press Service, New York, 1940-45. Director, Public Relations, British Information Services, New York, 1945-62. Member of UK and other delegations, 1945-62.
Personal papers and correspondence.
Club register, volume II, 1945-2003. The Other Club was founded in London by Winston Churchill and F E Smith in 1911.
OUGHTRED, Captain John Alwyn (1894-1958)
Served in the East Yorkshire Regiment, Western Front, 1916-18.
Papers mainly comprising letters to his fiancée Phyllis Bentham, 1914-23.
OWEN, John Hely (1890-1970)
Commander in the Royal Navy 1913-1926; served with Naval Intelligence Division, 1931-33; served in the Naval Historical Section of the Admiralty, 1939-45 and was Churchill’s naval adviser for the “Life of Marlborough”.
Correspondence from Churchill, Rear-Admiral Kenneth Dewar and Admiral of the Fleet Sir Roger Keyes 1929-1941.
PACK, Amy Elizabeth (1910-1963)
Papers relating to Amy Elizabeth Pack, aka the spy “Cynthia”.
PACKER, Admiral Sir Herbert Annesley (1894-1962)
Naval Attache Athens, Ankara and Belgrade, 1937-39; Captain of Gunnery School, Whale Island, 1941-43; Captain of HMS Warspite, 1943; Chief of Staff to the Commander-in-Chief Mediterranean, Admiral Sir John Cunningham, 1944.
Correspondence 1912-62.
PARHAM, Admiral Sir Frederick Robertson (1901-1991)
Midshipman, HMS Malaya, 1917; commanded HMS Shikari, 1937; HMS Gurkha, 1938-40; HMS Belfast, 1942-4, HMS Vanguard, 1947-9; Deputy Chief, Naval Personnel, 1949-51; Flag Officer and 2nd in command, Mediterranean, 1951-2; a Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty, 4th Sea Lord and Chief of Supplies and Transport, 1954-5; Commander-in-Chief, The Nore, 1955-8.
Photo album from HMS Malaya, 1917-18.
PARKER, Kenneth A L (d ?1997)
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer of the London Civil Defence Region, 1938-1945.
London Civil Defence Region reports and other material on air raids, civil defence etc. plus a report on the 1981 riots.
PART, Sir Antony Alexander (1916-90)
Civil Servant. Ministry of Education, 1945-63; Ministry of Public Buildings and Works, 1963-8;Board of Trade, Department of Trade and Industry and Department of Industry, 1968-76.
Papers, 1938-90.
PATER, John Edward (1911-89)
Under-Secretary, Ministry of Health and Department of Health and Social Security, 1947-73.
Notebooks of official visits to USA, 1951, Poland, 1959, and Scandinavia, 1959, and unpublished autobiography, 1985.
Oral history interviews with five patients who underwent treatment for infertility in the 1980s and 1990s (IVF and other fertility treatments).
PEARSON, Sir James Denning (1908-92)
Engineer; Chairman and Chief Executive, Rolls Royce Limited, 1969-70.
Papers, 1932-92.
PEDDER, Vice-Admiral Sir Arthur Reid (1904-95)
Tape-recorded interview about World War II.
PERRIN, Sir Michael (1905-1988)
Scientist; worked on atomic bomb and intelligence of German atomic bomb, 1939-1945.
Personal papers and correspondence.
PERUTZ, Doctor Max Ferdinand (1914-2002)
Molecular biologist.
Correspondence, photographs and literary papers.
Minutes of meetings of the Petrophysical Institute Committee, reports and correspondence, 1919.
PHIPPS, Sir Eric Clare Edmund (1875-1945)
Diplomat, 1899-1939. British Ambassador to Berlin, 1933-7; British Ambassador to Paris, 1937-9.
Personal and diplomatic papers, 1901-44. Family papers 1797-1970.
Armament Research Department, Ministry of Supply.
Roy Pilgrim was a veteran of Los Alamos and Operation Crossroads, he was the first Superintendent of the Foulness Range and in April 1954, he became trials director for the Operation Grapple H-bomb tests.
Mr Pilgrim’s notes on Operation Crossroads.
PITT-RIVERS, George Henry Lane Fox (1890-1966)
Anthropologist and Member of Council of the Eugenics Society.
Correspondence and papers relating to Pitt-Rivers’s publications, scientific research and his political activities, including his links with the British Union of Fascists, and his detention in 1940 as a possible threat to national security.
PLOWDEN, Edwin Noel, Baron (1907-2001)
Civil servant. Chief Planning Officer, Treasury, 1947-53; Adviser on Atomic Energy Organization, 1953-54; Chairman, Atomic Energy Authority, 1954-59.
Political and personal correspondence, correspondence with the Opinion Research Centre, 1976-88, speeches, diaries, literary papers and papers relating to Plowden’s various political groups and committees on subjects including atomic energy, the aircraft industry, enquiries into the police, the Common Market and United States of Europe, 1947-94.
POLAND, Rear-Admiral Edmund Nicholas (b.1917)
Original unedited manuscript of The Story of HMS Vernon and her People 1872-1986.
POLE, Professor Jack Richon (1922-2010)
Reader in American History and Government, Cambridge, 1963-79; Fellow, Churchill College, 1963-79 (Vice-Master 1975-8); member, Council of Senate 1970-4; Rhodes Professor of American History and Institutions, Oxford University, 1979-89.
Photographs of damage from the Soviet invasion of Prague, October 1968; correspondence with MPs on their votes against the Race Relations Bill, 1968.
POLLEN, Arthur Joseph Hungerford (1886-1937)
Inventor, naval engineer and journalist.
Papers comprised of articles and press cuttings about naval gunnery and tactics; correspondence with Royal Navy personnel, 1901-1929; private and professional correspondence, 1883-1937; personal papers belonging to Arthur Hungerford Pollen’s wife and parents; and literary papers and materials collected by Anthony Pollen in the course of research for his father’s biography. Also includes papers connected with the proceedings of the Royal Commission on Awards to Inventors, 1889-1925.
PONTECORVO, Bruno (1913-1993)
Nuclear physicist. Worked on British nuclear reactor programme in Canada (1943-45) then at the Atomic Energy Establishment at Harwell (1948). Defected to the Soviet Union in 1950.
Family papers and correspondence, 1917-2004.
PORTEOUS, Lieutenant Iville (1905-70)
Primarily papers and correspondence from Porteous’ service as an Artificer in the Royal Navy, including assorted technical diagrams and papers on developing plane tracking systems.
POUND, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Alfred Dudley Pickman Rogers (1877-1943)
Letters, cuttings and notes collected for a projected biography by Donald McLachlan.
Material relating to Enoch Powell, including a documentary on the “Rivers of Blood” speech and recordings of interviews made and used by Simon Heffer for his biography of Enoch Powell, “Like the Roman”.
POWELL, John Enoch (1912-98)
MP (C) Wolverhampton SW, 1950-74; (UU) Down South 1974-83, South Down 83-7; Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Local Government, 1955-7; Financial Secretary to the Treasury, 1957-8; Minister of Health, 1960-63.
Political and personal papers, including correspondence, articles, speeches, press cuttings, diaries and constituency papers.
POWER, Admiral Sir Manley Laurence (1904-81)
Staff Officer (Ops) to the Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, 1939-42, and Staff Officer (Plans) for invasion of Sicily; Deputy Chief of Staff (Plans) for invasion of Italy, 1943-44; Deputy Director of Plans, 1946; Flag Captain to the Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet; Chief of Staff to the Commander-in-Chief Mediterranean, 1952; Deputy Chief of Naval Staff, and Fifth Sea Lord, 1957-59.
POWNALL, Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Royds (1887-1961)
Military Assistant Secretary, Committee of Imperial Defence, 1933-5, Deputy Secretary, 1936; Commandant, School of Artillery, Larkhill, 1936-8; Director of Military Operations and Intelligence, War Office, 1938-9; Chief of General Staff, BEF, 1939-40.
Diaries (photocopies), 1933-9.
POWYS, John Cowper (1872-1963)
Novelist and poet.
Copy typescript of Porius, typescript of a dramatisation of Dostoevsky’s The Idiot, and a press cuttings album, undated, 1930-63.
PRESTON, Professor Joseph Henry (1911-85)
Aeronautical engineer. Consultant to Royal Aircraft Establishment and Admiralty Research Laboratory, 1940-68, and Professor of Fluid Mechanics at Liverpool, 1955-76.
Scientific reprints, working papers and personal papers, 1930-76.
PRICE, (Benjamin) Terence (1921-2013)
AERE, Harwell, 1947-59; AEA, Winfrith, 1959-60; Chief Scientific Officer, MoD, 1960-63; Asst Chief Scientific Adviser (Studies), MoD, 1963-65; Director, Defence Operational Analysis Establishment, MoD, 1965-68; Chief Scientific Adviser, Ministry of Transport, 1968-71; Director of Planning/Development, Vickers Ltd, 1971-73; Secretary-General, Uranium Institute, 1974-86.
Papers relating to Price’s interest in politics/economics in the 1970s and 1980s: he was linked with the Centre for Policy Studies and worked closely with John Hoskyns, an advisor to Margaret Thatcher.
PRIDHAM, Vice-Admiral Sir (Arthur) Francis (1886-1975)
President of the Ordnance Board, 1941-5.
Memoirs, 1886-1945; World War I diary, 1914-19.
Photograph album of HMS Prince George in the Dardanelles, 1915-16.
PROBERT, Rhys (1921-80)
Aeronautical Engineer. Royal Aircraft Establishment, 1942-44; Power Jets Ltd, 1944-46; National Gas Turbine Establishment, 1947-63; Director- General, Scientific Research/Air, Min. of Aviation, 1963-68; Dep. Controller of Aircraft A, Ministry of Technology, later MoD, 1968-72; Director Royal Aircraft Establishment, 1973-80. Director Royal Aircraft Establishment, 1973-80.
Papers, 1943-80.
PYKE, Geoffrey Nathaniel Joseph Pyke (1893-1948)
Journalist, educationalist, and later an inventor with clever, but unorthodox, ideas. Best known for his innovative proposals for weapons in World War Two, especially the material ‘pykrete’ and ‘Project Habbakuk’, the proposed construction of an ice-ship.
QUICKSWOOD, Hugh Richard Heathcote Gascoyne-Cecil, 1st Baron (1869-1956)
13 letters (photocopies) from Winston Churchill, 1903.
RABEL, Dr Gabriele (1880-1963)
Diaries, writings and correspondence as a pupil of Richard Wettstein, Max Planck and Albert Einstein and follower of Rudolph Steiner and Count Hermann Keyserling, 1893-1961.
Letters relating to donations to the Admiral Ramsay appeal, 1999-2000.
RAMSAY, Admiral Sir Bertram Home (1883-1945)
Naval and personal papers, diaries and midshipman’s logs, 1885-2006.
RANDALL, Sir John Turton (1905-84)
Papers on cavity magnetron and biophysics, 1920-83.
RANKIN, Barbara (1933-2019)
Secretary to Professor Robert Edwards.
Series of scrapbooks recording the work on human embryology carried out by Edwards and his colleagues, 1955-2009.
RATCLIFFE, D H A (d.1981)
Two framed naval cartoons by Spy from Vanity Fair, 1895 and 1904, and framed certificate of crossing the Equator, 1945.
RATCLIFFE, John Ashworth (1902-87)
Articles, lectures, research notes and correspondence, 1920-86.
RAWLINSON OF EWELL, Peter Anthony Grayson, Baron (1919-2006)
Served in Irish Guards, 1940-46; Called to Bar, Inner Temple, 1946, Treasurer, 1984; Leader, Western Circuit, 1975-82; retired from practice at the Bar, 1985. MP (C) Surrey, Epsom, 1955-74, Epsom and Ewell, 1974-78. Solicitor-General, July 1962-October 1964; Opposition Spokesman: for Law, 1964-65, 1968-70; for Broadcasting, 1965; Attorney-General, 1970-74.
Political and legal papers relating to his career
RAWLINSON, General Henry Seymour, 1st Baron (1864-1925)
Diaries and papers, 1914-19.
REDWOOD, John (b. 1951)
Fellow, All Souls College, 1972-87; Investment Manager and Director, N. M. Rothschild and Sons, 1977-87; Adviser, Treasury and Civil Service Select Committee, 1981; Head of PM’s Policy Unit, 1983-5; MP for Wokingham, 1987-; Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, DTI, 1989-90; Minister of State: DTI, 1990-92; Minister for Local Government and Inner Cities, 1992-3; Secretary of State for Wales, 1993-5.
Early political papers and publications, 1975-95.
RHODES JAMES, Sir Robert Vidal (1933-99)
Historian, Conservative MP for Cambridge, 1976-92.
Papers on the Gallipoli Campaign.
RICHARDSON, Elliot (1920-1999)
American Ambassador to the UK, 1975-6.
Draft telegram to President Ford accepting post of Secretary of Commerce, 11 March 1975.
RICHMOND, Admiral Sir Herbert William (1871-1946)
Master of Downing College, 1936-46.
Seven lectures delivered in 1912 – The War of 1739-48.
RIDLEY OF LIDDESDALE, Nicholas, Baron (1929-1993)
Conservative politician. Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 1979-81; Financial Secretary to the Treasury, 1981-83; Secretary of State: for Transport, 1983-86; for the Environment, 1986-89; for Trade and Industry, 1989-90.
Election material, correspondence, speeches and publications.
RIDLEY, Sir Adam (b.1942)
Worked for the Government economic service, 1965-75, including CPRS, May 1971-Aug 1974; Conservative Research Department, 1975-79; Special Adviser to Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1979-84; Executive Director, Hambros Bank & Hambros plc, 1985-97; Chairman, National Lotteries Charities Board, 1995-2000; Director General, London Investment Banking Association, 2000-2007.
Papers relating to the 1979 and 1983 General Elections; minutes of morning meetings of ministers & special advisers in HM Treasury, May 1979-circa February 1984.
RIDSDALE, Sir Julian Errington (1915-2004)
Attached British Embassy, Tokyo (1938-39); Assistant Military Attaché, Japan (1940); Joint Staff Mission, Washington (1944-45); Conservative MP Harwich Division of Essex (1954-1992); Parliamentary Under- Secretary of State for Air (1962-64); Parliamentary Under- Secretary of State for Defence, for the Royal Air Force (1964).
Scrapbooks containing political and personal papers, 1949-78 & ca.2000.
ROBERTS, Brigadier Michael Rookherst (1894-77)
Diaries and papers of Burma Campaign, 1942-5 and relating to 4/10th Gurkha Rifles, 1942-7.
ROBERTS, Cecil Edric Mornington (1892-1976)
Diaries, correspondence, books.
ROBERTS, Sir Frank Kenyon (1907-97)
Diplomat. British Minister, Moscow, 1945-7; Principal Private Secretary to Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1947-9; Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 1954-7, USSR, 1960-2 and Federal Republic of Germany, 1963-8.
Personal papers, 1914-97.
ROBERTSON, Sir Malcolm Arnold (1877-1951)
Diplomat, 1898-1930; Conservative MP, 1940-5; Chairman of the British Council, 1941-5.
Correspondence and papers, 1797-1947.
ROBINSON, Professor Sir Edward Austin Gossage (1897-1993)
Papers relating to Ministry of Production in World War II; post-war Board of Trade and the Treasury; Marshall Aid, and Organization for European Co-operation and Development (OECD), 1940s and 1950s.
ROBSON, Vice-Admiral Sir William Geoffrey Arthur (1902-89)
Autobiography – My Naval Life.
RODGERS, William, Baron Rodgers of Quarry Bank (b.1928)
Member of Parliament, 1962-83; Minister of State for Defence, 1974-76, Secretary of State for Transport, 1976-79; formed Social Democratic Party, 1981; Director-General, Royal Institute of British Architects; Chairman, Advertising Standards Authority; Life Peerage, 1992; Leader of the Liberal Democrats, House of Lords, 1998-2001.
Papers relating to the Campaign for Democratic Socialism, circa 1960-64.
ROSE, Wickliffe
Papers on the life of Rose, his work in public health education and in the foundation of the Southern United States education system, 1899-1955, assembled by Professor Roy Acheson.
ROSKILL, Captain Stephen Wentworth, RN (1903-82)
Naval historian.
Papers, 1913-82.
ROTBLAT, Professor Sir Joseph (1908-2005)
Physicist and peace campaigner.
Papers comprising working papers, notebooks, correspondence and photographs, 1934-2005.
ROTHERHAM, Captain Geoffrey Alexander, RN (1906-2002)
Naval autobiography of Hank Rotherham.
ROWAN, Sir Thomas Leslie (1908-72)
Assistant and later Principal Private Secretary to Winston Churchill, 1941-5.
Order of service for his memorial service, 1972.
History of 121 Medium Field Regiment, RA, 1939-1946 (photocopy).
RUCK KEENE, Mrs Margherita (1901-1991)
Widow of Vice-Admiral Philip Ruck Keene (1897-1977).
Facsimile of Illustrated Arctic News written on board HMS Resolute during the search for Franklin’s Arctic Expedition, 1852.
RUSSELL-SMITH, Dame Enid (1903-89)
Civil Servant in Ministry of Health and Principal of St Aidan’s College, Durham University.
Correspondence, mainly letters to her brother in Kenya, while at the Ministry of Health, 1941-63.
RUTHERFORD, Ernest, Baron (1871-1937)
Letters (photocopies), 1915-16, from physicist Henry Moseley – originals in the Oxford Museum for the History of Science.
RYDER, Captain Robert Edward Dudley VC, RN (1908-86)
Signals passed during the raid on St Nazaire, March 1942.
RYLE, Sir Martin (1918-84)
Professor of Radio Astronomy, Cambridge, 1959-82; Astronomer Royal, 1972-82.
Winner (joint) of Nobel Prize for physics, 1974.
Scientific correspondence and papers, 1924-98.
SALE, Lieutenant Richard L
Lieutenant, Royal Horse Guards.
Commission and letters from the front during World War I.
SALMON, Vanda (c 1925-2009)
Personal secretary to Sir Winston Churchill, Lady Astor and others.
Scrapbooks and memoirs.
SALTER, James Arthur, 1st Baron Salter (1881-1975)
Civil servant, politician and academic. Worked for the League of Nations; Gladstone Professor of political theory and institutions at Oxford University; Independent MP for Oxford University, 1937-50, and Conservative MP for Ormskirk, 1951-53; Minister of State for Economic Affairs at the Treasury, and Minister of Materials, 1952.
Personal and political papers; with papers collected by Professor Sidney Aster in the course of writing a biography of Salter.
SANDERSON OF AYOT, 1st Baron, Basil (1894-1971)
Diaries from service in Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeomanry, 1914-17.
SANDFORD, Sir Folliott Herbert (1906-86)
Principal Private Secretary to Secretary of State for Air, 1937-40; Assistant Under-Secretary of State, Air Ministry, 1944-7.
Diary of wartime experiences in West Africa.
SANDYS, Duncan
SARELL, Captain Richard Iwan Alexander, RN (b.1909)
RNAS daily reports, June 1915.
SAUNDERS, David Hogg (d.1904)
Member of Liberal party.
Political and social correspondence, 1862-1904.
SAUNDERS, George (1859-1922)
Journalist; Berlin and Paris correspondent of The Times, 1897-1914.
Correspondence, 1872-1922.
SAUNDERS, miscellaneous family members
Correspondence, 1858-1922.
SAVORY, Sir Douglas (1878-1969)
Articles on the Origins of World War I and on Eire-German relations during World War II.
SCHONLAND, Sir Basil Ferdinand Jamieson (1896-1972)
Nuclear physicist.
Atomic Energy Research Establishment papers, 1954-60.
SCOTT, Derek (1947-2012)
Special Advisor to Denis Healey (Chancellor of the Exchequer), 1977-79; Economic Advisor to James Callaghan (Leader of the Opposition, 1979-81); Economic Advisor to Tony Blair (Prime Minister), 1997-2003.
Collected economic papers relating to his roles working for Healey and Blair (mainly the latter).
SCOTT, Rear-Admiral Sir William David Stewart (1921-2006)
Memoir of his naval career including the “Amethyst Incident” of 1949, Polaris and Chevaline.
See also DICKENS
SCOURSE, Rear Admiral Frederick Peter (b.1944)
Unpublished memoir, letters, documents and photographs relating to Scourse’s career in the Royal Navy where he specialised in submarine engineering then became Military Assistant to the Chief of Defence Procurement, 1987-89; Director of General Surface Weapons (Navy), 1989-94; and Director General of Surface Ships and Controller, 1994-97.
SEAGO, Edward Brian (1910-74)
Papers; photographs relating to improvements in camouflage techniques, 1939-43; correspondence on painting with Field-Marshals Alexander and Auchinleck, 1940-59.
SEAGRIM, Anne Nott (1914-2011)
Secretary and administrator.
Papers relating to Anne Seagrim’s work as secretary to the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, 1950-54, and to Lord Alexander, 1957-65; papers relating to Anne Seagrim’s relationship with C P Snow, 1944-99; papers relating to the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, 1952-2008.
SEARLE, Rear-Admiral Malcolm Walter St Leger (1900-94)
Reminiscences of his service as a gunnery expert before and during World War II.
SEDDON, John (1915-91)
Aeronautical Engineer, Royal Aircraft Establishment, 1939-66.
Papers 1939-1981.
SELWYN-LLOYD, John Selwyn Brooke Lloyd, Baron (1904-78)
Conservative MP; Minister of State, Foreign Office, 1951-4; Minister of Supply, 1954-5; Minister of Defence, 1955; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1955-60; Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1960-2; Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons, 1963-4.
SEYMOUR, Sir Horace James (1885-1978)
Diplomat. British Ambassador to China, 1942-6.
Correspondence, papers and photographs, 1930-81.
SHARP, Tom (1931-2021)
Civil servant who worked at the Department of Trade, 1976-79; Department of Industry, 1979-83; and the DTI, 1983-87.
His memoir on the privatization of British Telecom, March 1985.
SHEPPARD, Norah (1901-1993)
Civil Service shorthand reporter.
Photographs and ephemera from international conferences at Genoa, the Hague, London and Lausanne, 1920-51.
SHIRE, Edward Samuel (1908-1978)
Reader in Physics, Cambridge University. Air Defence Experimental Establishment, 1939-44, and scientific adviser on Civil Defence for the Home Office.
Papers, 1927-78, including work on atomic physics, radar and the proximity fuze.
SILKIN, Rt Hon. John Ernest (1923-87)
Labour MP; Minister of Public Buildings and Works, 1968-70; Minister for Planning and Local Government, 1974-6; Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, 1976-9.
Personal and political papers, correspondence and photographs, 1950-87.
SILKIN, Samuel Charles, Baron (1918-88)
Labour MP; Attorney-General, 1974-9.
Political and legal papers.
SIME, Petty Officer Stanley J, RN
Naval memoirs, 1928-45.
SINCLAIR, Archibald Henry Macdonald
SLIM, Field Marshal William Joseph, 1st Viscount (1891-1970)
Commander of 14th Army in Burma, 1943-5; Governor-General of Australia, 1955-60.
Private correspondence, military papers, articles.
SMITH, J Philip
Aeronautical Engineer.
Papers on the European Airbus and other aircraft, 1965-1980.
Other material related to Mary Soames.
SOAMES, Arthur Christopher John, Baron (1920-87)
Conservative MP; Secretary of State for War, 1958-60; Minister of Agriculture, 1960-4; Ambassador to France, 1968-72; Vice- President, Commission of the European Communities 1973-7; Governor of Southern Rhodesia, 1979-80; Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Lords, 1979-81.
Papers and correspondence, 1921-2006.
SOAMES, Dame Mary, nee Churchill (1922-2014)
Papers including research material for books on the Churchill family, diaries, correspondence, photographs, speeches, papers relating to the Churchill Centre and International Churchill Society and papers relating to the National Theatre, 1828-2014.
SOMERVILLE, Admiral Sir James Fownes (1882-1949)
Naval and personal papers and diaries, 1891-1949.
SONES BARNARD, Boni (b 1953)
Broadcaster, producer and journalist; set up one of the first broadcast online podcast channels: Women’s Parliamentary Radio (www.wpradio.co.uk).
Audio podcasts for interviews conducted during centenary year of women in parliament, 2018
SPEARING, Nigel (1930-2017)
Labour MP for Acton, 1970-74, and Newham South, May 1974-1997; Member Select Committee: Procedure, 1975-79; EEC Legislation, 1979 (Chairman, 1983-92); Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1980-87; Chair, Parliamentary Affairs Committee, Parliamentary Labour Party, 1989; and Chairman, British Anti-Common Market Campaign, 1977-83.
Papers relating to European and parliamentary affairs.
SPEARS, Major-General Sir Edward Louis (1886-1974)
Liberal and Unionist MP; liaison officer with the French Army, First World War; Prime Minister’s Personal Representative to French Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, May-June 1940; Head of British Mission to General de Gaulle, June 1940; Head of Spears Mission, Syria and the Lebanon, July 1941; First Minister to Republics of Syria and the Lebanon, 1942-4; Chairman of Institute of Directors, 1954-65.
Military, political and literary papers, 1847-1989.
SPENCER-CHURCHILL, Clementine Ogilvy Spencer-Churchill, Baroness (1885-1977)
Wife of Sir Winston Churchill.
Letters, diaries and albums, and material related to household administration, 1885-1978.
SPRING RICE, Sir Cecil Arthur (1859-1918)
Diplomat. British Ambassador to Washington, 1912-17.
Official and personal papers, 1860-1918.
SPROAT, Iain MacDonald (1938-2011)
Posters for the No campaign prior to the Scottish Devolution referendum, 1979.
SQUIRE, Dr Peter
Fellow of Churchill College, University Lecturer in Russian.
Paper, Memories of Meetings with Churchill.
Copy of report on his work at the Cavendish Laboratory supervised by Lord Rutherford, 1936-7, and correspondence with and about Rutherford.
STANTON-JONES, Richard (1926-91)
Papers on development of the hovercraft, 1959-84.
STEAD, William Thomas (1849-1912)
Journalist and author. Editor of Liberal paper “Northern Echo” and the “Review of Reviews”.
Correspondence and writings, with complete run of the “Review of Reviews”, 1890-1919.
STEINER, Dr Frederick George (1890-1968)
International banking executive, investment advisor and father of Professor George Steiner.
Business and personal papers mainly on international politics and finance, 1869-1968
STEINER, Professor George (1923-2020) and Dr Zara (1928-2020)
Journalist, author and academic. Positions including: Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge, 1961-2020; Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of Geneva, 1974-1994; Weidenfeld Professor of Comparative Literature and Fellow of Sr Anne’s College, Oxford, 1994-5.
Personal and family correspondence, diaries, photographs, newspaper cuttings and general correspondence, 1929-1997.
STEPTOE, Patrick (1913-1988)
Obstetrician and gynaecologist. Pioneer of laparoscopy and in vitro fertilisation (IVF)
Personal and scientific papers relating to Steptoe’s professional life. Including correspondence, scientific articles, photographs and slides.
STERN, Walter (b. 1905)
Officer in the Auxiliary Air Force, 1937-44.
Papers and photographs relating to his career in the Auxiliary Air Force, 1936-40.
STEVEN, George Alexander RNVR (1900-58)
Daily engagement calendar as navigation officer of HMS St Wistan 1940-43, and associated papers.
STEVENS, Sir Roger Bentham (1906-80)
Diplomat. Ambassador to Sweden and Persia; Member of United Nations Administrative Tribunal (UNAT).
Private correspondence and personal papers, writings on Persia and UNAT papers, 1905-80.
STEWART OF FULHAM, Robert Michael Maitland, Baron (1906-90)
Labour MP; Under-Secretary of State for War, 1947-51; Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Supply, 1951; Secretary of State, Education and Science, 1964-5; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1965-6; First Secretary of State, 1966-8; Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, 1966-7; Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1968-70.
Political and personal papers and photographs covering his own career and that of his wife, Baroness Stewart of Alvechurch.
STOWE, Sir Kenneth Ronald (1927-2015)
Civil Servant. Assistant Under-Secretary, Department of Health and Social Security, 1970-3 and Permanent Secretary, 1981-7; Under-Secretary and Deputy Secretary, Cabinet Office, 1973-9; Principal Permanent Secretary to Prime Minister, 1975-9; Permanent Under-Secretary to the Northern Ireland Office, 1979-81; and Permanent Under-Secretary to the DHSS, 1981-7.
STRANG, William, 1st Baron (1893-1978)
Assistant Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office, 1939-43; UK Representative on European Advisory Commission, with rank of Ambassador, 1943-5; Political Adviser to Commander-in-Chief, British Forces of Occupation in Germany, 1945-7; Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Foreign Office, 1949-1953.
Papers, correspondence, journals and photographs, 1916-78.
STRATTON, Julius Adams (1901-1994)
President Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Text of speech on receipt of Cambridge Honorary Degree 1972.
STRAUSS, George Russell, Baron (1901-93)
Labour MP, 1929-79; Minister of Supply, 1947-51.
Unpublished autobiography.
STRONGE, Brigadier Humphrey Cecil Travell (1891-1977)
Military Attaché in Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, 1936-9.
Memorandum on Czech Army, 1938.
STURDEE, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Frederick Charles Doveton (1859-1925)
Personal and Naval papers, 1871-1925.
STURDEE, Nina Edith
STUTTARD, Sir John Boothman (b.1945)
Businessman. PricewaterhouseCoopers, 1967-2005. Lord Mayor of the City of London, 2006-7.
Papers as Lord Mayor of the City of London, 2006-7, with some earlier papers relating to the City of London, 2000-6, and some later papers about his book, “Whittington to World Financial Centre: the City of London and its Lord Mayor”, 2008-9.
SUMIDA, Jon Tetsuro
Doctoral dissertation for University of Chicago, Financial Limitation, Technological Innovation and British Naval Policy, 1904-1910, 1982.
Issue of 24 April, 1938.
SVOBODA, Jan (1902-79)
Secretary to Czech Social Democratic leader, Blazej Vilim.
Papers in Czech, relating to Czech Social Democratic Party in exile, 1948-70.
SWINLEY, Captain Casper Silas Balfour (1898-1983)
Entered Royal Navy, 1916; served European War, 1916-18, positions included Naval ADC to King George VI, 1951.
Collection of newspapers commemorating various events (mainly relating to the Royal family) and Captain Swinley’s career, 1935-1972.
SWINTON, Philip Cunliffe-Lister, 1st Earl of (1884-1972)
Conservative MP; President of the Board of Trade, 1922-3, 1924-9; Secretary of State for Air, 1935-8; Cabinet Minister Resident in West Africa, 1942-4; Minister for Civil Aviation, 1944-5; Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, 1952-5.
Personal and political papers, 1833-1974.
TAIT, Air Vice-Marshal Sir Victor Hubert (1892-1988)
Director of Radar and Director General of Signals, Air Ministry, 1942-5.
Personal and Service Papers, 1920-47.
TEASDALE, Anthony (b.1957)
Special Adviser to Sir Geoffrey Howe (Foreign Secretary and Leader of the House of Commons), February 1988-November 1990 and to Kenneth Clarke (Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1996-97); Head of Policy Strategy and Legislative Planning for the EPP Group in the European Parliament, 2002-6. Worked for successive Presidents of the European Parliament – Hans-Gert Poettering and Jerzy Buzek, 2007-12, latterly as deputy Chef de Cabinet. Director General of the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), the in-house research centre and think tank of the European Parliament, 2013- date.
Papers as Special Adviser at FCO, 1988-90.
TERRY, Major Charles RA (1901-49)
Photographs of German Fleet at Scapa Flow, 1918-19; papers and photographs relating to self-propelled guns in Combined Operation shore assault, 1943-5.
Other deposited collections relating to Baroness Thatcher, 1985, 2001-.
THATCHER, Margaret Hilda, Baroness (1925-2013)
Conservative MP, 1959-92; Secretary of State for Education and Science, 1970-4; Leader of the Opposition, 1975-9; Prime Minister, 1979-90.
Personal political papers, ca. 1940-2000.
Further information about the collection is available here.
THOMAS, Sir John Meurig (1932-2020)
Scientific Officer, UKAEA, 1957–58; Lecturer and Reader in Chemistry, UCNW, Bangor, 1958-69; Professor and Head of Department of Chemistry, UCW, Aberystwyth, 1969–78; Professor and Head of Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Cambridge, 1978–86; Director, Royal Institution, and Davy Faraday Research Laboratory, 1986–91; Resident Professor of Chemistry, 1986–88, Fullerian Professor of Chemistry, 1988–94, Professor of Chemistry, 1994–2002, Emeritus Professor, 2002, Royal Institution; Deputy Pro-Chancellor, University of Wales, 1991–94; Distinguished Research Fellow, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, 1993–2002; Master of Peterhouse College, Cambridge, 1993–2002.
THOMPSON, Ronald (1912-2009)
Photographs from Thompson’s service aboard HMS Victorious during the Second World War.
THOMSON, Sir George Paget (1892-1975)
Nuclear physicist.
MAUD Committee papers and correspondence.
THORPE, David Richard (1943-2023)
Teacher, 1965-97, and writer. Papers relating to a biography of Alec Douglas-Home, 1989-97.
THURSO, Archibald Henry Macdonald Sinclair, 1st Viscount (1890-1970)
Leader of the Liberal Party, 1935-45; Secretary of State for Scotland, 1931-2; Secretary of State for Air, 1940-5.
Includes papers, 1913-63; political correspondence, 1923-39; Scottish Office correspondence, 1923-36.
TODD, Alexander Robertus, Baron (1907-97)
Papers relating to his career as Professor of Organic Chemistry at Cambridge, 1944-71, Master of Christ’s College, 1963-78, and Scientific Adviser to various Governments.
TOMKINSON, Admiral Wilfred (1877-1971)
Early twentieth century naval papers and photographs relating to Invergordon (1931) and the British attacks on Ostend and Zeebrugge (1918).
TOMLIN, Donald M
Articles on work of Air Defence Experimental Establishment, Army Radar Defence Establishment and Radar Research and Development Establishment in wartime army radar research, 1939-45.
TRAVERS, Timothy
Typescript of book The Killing Ground: The British Army, the Western Front and the Emergence of Modern Warfare, 1900-18.
TRENCHARD, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Hugh Montague, 1st Viscount (1873-1956)
Assistant Commandant, Central Flying School, 1913-1914; GOC Royal Flying Corps, 1915-1917; Chief of Air Staff, 1918-1929.
Correspondence (photocopies) with Winston Churchill, 1917-27, 1st Lord Hankey, 1919-49, Sir Samuel Wilson, 1919-28 and papers on the agreement with Vice-Admiral Sir Roger Keyes over relations between the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy, 1924.
TRUMPINGTON, Baroness, Jean Alys Barker (1922-2018)
Served in naval intelligence at Bletchley Park during World War II before working at the European Central Inland Transportation Organisation, 1945-49, and as secretary to Lord Hinchingbrooke, 1950-52. She was a Conservative Councillor on Cambridge City Council, 1963-73, Mayor of Cambridge, 1971-72 and Conservative County Councillor, 1973-75. Appointed to the Lords in 1980 she served as a Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the DHSS, 1985-87, and at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 1987-89, becoming Minister of State from 1989-92. She was made an Extra Baroness in Waiting to the Queen in 1998.
Photograph albums and papers.
TUCK, Instructor-Captain Oswald (1876-1950)
Diaries, correspondence and photographs, 1868-2003, mainly from the China Station and also including papers on the teaching of Japanese.
TURNBULL, Sir Francis Fearon (1905-88)
Civil Servant.
Diary of Cabinet Mission to India, 1946.
TURNER, Admiral Sir Arthur Francis (1912-91)
Personal and naval papers, 1931-1970.
TUSA, Sir John (b. 1931)
Broadcaster and arts leader.
Papers, 1957-2020.
TWINN, Peter (1916-2004)
Mathematician, codebreaker and entomologist.
Papers relating to role at Bletchley Park, 1939-45.
Microfilm copies of papers concerning ULTRA, originals held in the Public Record Office.
Copy of Operational Intelligence Centre Special Intelligence Summary: “The Use of Special Intelligence in connection with Operation Neptune January 1944-September 1944”. c 1945.
See also RAMSAY, Admiral Sir Bertram Home (1883-1945).
URBAN, George Robert (1921-1997)
Hungarian writer who came to the UK in 1948. Worked for the BBC Hungarian Service until joining Radio Free Europe in 1960, serving as its director for a period in the 1980s, also known for his writing for “Encounter” magazine.
Papers relate to Urban’s work as an informal adviser on foreign affairs to Margaret Thatcher from 1978 onwards.
Illustrated sale brochure for Vansittart’s house, Denham Place in Buckinghamshire, c 1930.
VANSITTART, Robert Gilbert, 1st Viscount (1881-1957)
Diplomat. Assistant Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Principal Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, 1928-30; Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1930-8; Chief Diplomatic Adviser to Foreign Secretary, 1938-41. Cabinet papers, 1930-45; personal papers and writings.
Biannual magazine produced by the Gibraltar Garrison.
Vol. I, No 1, June 1910.
VILIM, Blazej (1909-76)
Czech Social Democratic party leader.
Papers and correspondence.
VILLIERS, Sir Charles Hyde (1912-92)
Banker and Industrialist. Chairman British Steel Corporation, 1976-80.
Papers, 1945-89.
VILLIERS, Vice-Admiral Sir John Michael (1907-90) and Rear-Admiral Edward Cecil (1866-1939)
Naval correspondence, papers and photograph albums.
VINCENT, Air Vice-Marshal Stanley Flamank (1897-1976)
Draft autobiography Flying Fever and correspondence on its publication.
WAKEHAM, John, Baron (b. 1932)
Minister of State, HM Treasury, 1982-3; Government Chief Whip, 1983-7; Lord Privy Seal, 1987-8; Leader of the House of Commons, 1987-9; Lord President of the Council, 1988-9; Secretary of State for Energy, 1989-92; Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Lords, 1992-4; Chairman of the Press Complaints Commission, 1995-2002; and Chairman of the Royal Commission on Reform of the House of Lords, 1999.
Papers, 1981-2001.
WALKER, Martin J. (b. 1947)
Writer, graphic designer, and political activist.
Letters from Sasha Moorsom, undated, 1972-80.
WALLIS, Sir Barnes Neville (1887-1979)
Inventor of bouncing bombs which destroyed Möhne and Eder Dams, and penetration bombs, 1940-5; Chief of Aeronautical Research and Development, British Aircraft Corporation Limited, Weybridge, 1945-71.
Aeronautical research reports, 1940-63.
WALTERS, Professor Sir Alan (1926-2009)
Professor of Economics, Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, 1976-91; Economic Adviser to World Bank, 1976-80 and 1984-88; Chief Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister (on secondment), 1981-84 and 1989.
Collected economic papers relating to his role working for the Prime Minister (Margaret Thatcher MP), with later economic briefing and forecasting papers, academic papers, articles and press cuttings, 1976-99.
WALTON, Ernest Thomas Sinton (1903-95)
Physicist. Awarded Nobel Prize for Physics, 1951, (with Sir John Cockcroft).
Cavendish Laboratory notebooks and papers, with correspondence and miscellaneous items, 1927-2005.
Papers of M.O.5 Department, 1940-1, including minutes by Winston Churchill and Anthony Eden (Secretary of State for War), mainly on the War in the Middle East.
WARNER, Suzanne Elizabeth, Lady Warner (b.1942)
Civil servant.
Correspondence and papers about her work for the Central Policy Review Staff (CPRS), 1971-4, and about her memoir of Victor Rothschild, 1990, 1992-4.
WARREN, Peter John (b.1905)
Senior Member of Churchill College and former Mayor of Cambridge. Memoirs of training as a Royal Artillery Artificer, 1919-25, and experiences as an NCO in a Pack Battery in England, India and Waziristan, 1925-33, with photographs.
WEIR, William Douglas, 1st Viscount (1877-1959)
Industrialist and Government adviser. Director-General of Aircraft Production, Ministry of Munitions, 1918; Secretary of State and President of Air Council, 1918; Chairman of Advisory Committee, Civil Aviation, 1919; Director-General of Explosives, Ministry of Supply, 1939; Chairman of Tank Board, 1942.
Official papers, 1918-50.
WEISSENBERG, Dr Karl (1893-1982)
Papers, 1938-70.
WELCHMAN, Gordon (1906-85)
Mathematician and codebreaker.
Papers relating to role at Bletchley Park, 1939-45.
WELLS, Ronald
Memoirs of preparation of Home Office War book and mobilisation, 1935-9.
WESTER WEMYSS, Admiral of the Fleet Rosslyn Erskine, 1st Baron (1864-1933)
In command of squadron at landing of troops in Gallipoli, April 1915; Commander-in-Chief, East Indies and Egypt, 1916-1917; First Sea Lord, 1917-19; Member of War Cabinet, 1918.
Papers, letters and albums covering Wemyss’s naval career, including memoirs, correspondence, photographs and press cuttings, 1886-1941.
WHITE, Kenneth (fl 1945)
Thought to be journalist for Scottish newspaper.
Typescript draft of an article giving eye witness account of Nuremberg trial.
WHITE, Robert (fl 1850-1859)
Shipyard owner.
Correspondence relating to Franklin Expedition to the Arctic, 1850-9.
WHITELAW, William, Viscount Whitelaw (1918-1999)
Conservative MP 1955-83; Lord President of Council and Leader, House of Commons, 1970-2; Secretary of State for: Northern Ireland, 1972-3; Employment, 1973-4; Chairman, Conservative Party, 1974-5; Deputy Leader of the Opposition and spokesman on home affairs, 1975-79; Home Secretary, 1979-83; Lord President and Leader of the House of Lords, 1983-88.
Personal and political papers.
Material relating to Whittle or to the work carried out at Power Jets Limited during WWII.
See also BRMN.
WHITTLE, Air Commodore Sir Frank (1907-96)
Aeronautical Engineer. Inventor of the Jet engine.
Personal and research papers
WIGGLESWORTH, Professor Sir Vincent Brian (1899-1994)
Entomologist; Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge.
Scientific papers, diaries, photographs and correspondence covering his research into disease and insect physiology, 1923-90.
WIGHTMAN, David Randall (1925-93)
Professor of International Economic Organization, University of Birmingham, 1974-83.
Research notes and photocopies of original documents from United States archives about United States international economic policy, 1941-71, with notes on oral history interviews, 1971-87.
Rifleman, 1914-17.
Six cassettes of his experiences in Rifle Corps, 1914-17, and two cassettes about his brother Frank on Scott’s Polar Expedition.
WILKINS, Arnold Frederic (1907-85)
Typescript of The Early Days of Radar in Great Britain.
WILKINSON, Gerald Hugh (1909-65)
Businessman in the Philippines; British Liaison officer with General Douglas MacArthur, 1942; served with British Security Co-ordination, New York, 1943-5.
War journals, official telegrams, official correspondence and printed material on British Intelligence in the Far East, 1942-45.
WILKINSON, Sir Denys (1922-2016)
Member of Governing Board of National Institute for Research in Nuclear Science, 1957-65; Professor of Experimental Physics, Oxford University, 1959-76.
Papers and correspondence relating to development of nuclear physics in UK and particularly at Oxford during 1960s.
WILLIAMSON, Group Captain Hugh Alexander (1885-1979)
Air Ministry, 1939-43.
Memoirs and naval aviation papers.
WILLINK, Rt Hon Sir Henry Urmston (1894-1973)
Conservative MP; Minister of Health, 1943-5; Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, 1948-66.
Personal papers and memoirs.
WILLIS, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Algernon Usborne (1889-1976)
Naval papers, 1905-76.
WILLMOTT, Peter (1923-2000) and Phyllis (1922-2013)
Sociologists and writers.
Papers, including Phyllis Willmott’s diaries, 1938-2006.
WILSHIRE, David (1943-2023)
Politician. Conservative MP for Spelthorne, 1987-2010. Opposition chief whip, 2001-2005.
Letter diary sent to his wife from the James Conant Mission to London, on new scientific developments, February – April 1941.
WILSON, Professor Charles Thomson Rees (1869-1959)
Studies of effects of thunderstorms on balloons and airships, 1918-40; reprints of scientific papers and correspondence.
WILSON, William Lawrence (1912-93)
Civil Servant and Engineer. Office of Works (later the Department of the Environment), 1936-73.
Papers comprising a memoir, a history of engineering in the Office of Works and lectures, 1952-92.
WIMBERLEY, Major-General Douglas Neil (1896-1983)
Commander of 51st (Highland) division in North Africa and Sicily, 1941-43; Commandant of the Staff College at Camberley, 1943-44, and Director of Infantry at the War Office, 1944-46.
Autobiography Scottish Soldier.
WIMBORNE, The Viscount
WINCOTT, Leonard
Naval mutineer, 1931.
A foundation dedicated to offering scholarships to US students at Churchill College.
Publications, correspondence, papers, photographs and film footage of the Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States, 1956-2018.
WOLFF, Michael (1930-76)
Journalist and researcher. Conservative Research Department, 1966-70; Special Adviser to Government, 1970-4.
Political papers, 1962-75.
WOOD, Edward Frederick Lindley
WOOD, John Bradshaw (1924-91)
Economist and writer. Deputy Director of Institute of Economic Affairs.
Papers, correspondence and papers, 1946-91.
WOODWARD-NUTT, Arthur E (1902-80)
Aeronautical engineer.
Papers on aeronautical research and Institution of Production Engineers, 1926-79.
WOODWARD, Oliver Holmes (1885-1966)
Captain in 1st Australian Tunnelling Company.
Memoirs My Story of the Great War 1916-18.
WRIGHT, Lord Wright of Richmond (1931-2020)
Personal papers, including speeches, diaries, Wright’s autobiography, correspondence and lectures, 1931-2018.
YAMAMOTO, Research material collected by Correlli Barnett about Rear-Admiral Yamamoto and Pearl Harbor for BBC documentary
YOUNG, Michael Dunlop, Baron Young of Dartington (1915-2002)
Sociologist. Director, Institute of Community Studies, 1953-2001.
Papers, 1928-2002.
See also BRIGGS.
YOUNG, Ruth Sasha, nee Moorsom, Lady Young of Dartington (1931-93)
Papers, 1946-93.
ZVEGINTZOV, Michael (1904-78)
Deputy Director-General of Chemical Branch of British Control Commission in Germany.
Papers on political intelligence, 1940-6, and Control Commission (Chemical Branch); Political and Economic Planning and Royal Institute for International Affairs.