The Churchill Archives Centre is funded largely from its own endowments and from the support it receives from philanthropic trusts and individuals. Our work would not be possible without their support.

Donors & Friends of the Churchill Archives Centre

The Churchill Archives Centre is funded largely from its own endowments and from the support it receives from philanthropic trusts and individuals. We can only fulfil our important mission – to preserve and provide access to the unique collections in our care – because of the generosity of our friends and patrons.

Since 1973, the Archives Centre has received support from a number of major donors towards the cost of staffing, equipment and key cataloguing and conservation projects. The Churchill Archives Centre would like to record its thanks to all of the following donors and friends.

“The inheritance bequeathed to us by former wise or valiant men becomes a rich estate to be enjoyed and used by all.”

Winston S. Churchill, 2 July 1938.

Founding donors

Winthrop W. Aldrich Walter
H. Annenberg
Vincent Astor
Robert W. Bingham
David K. E. Bruce
Lewis W. Douglas
Henry Ford II
Maxwell M.Geffen
Walter S. Gifford

W. Averell
Harriman Henry J. Heinz II
Alanson Houghton
Joseph P. Kennedy
John L. Loeb
Andrew W. Mellon
David Rockefeller
Thomas J. Watson Jr
John Hay Whitney
John G. Winant

Major Donors

Anglia Television Group Plc
The Annenberg Foundation
The Atlantic Philanthropies
The Bay Foundation Cable and Wireless
Churchill Admirers in NJ, USA
The Churchill College Archives Trust
The Sir Winston Churchill Archive Trust
Mrs Elizabeth Churchill Snell
Jennie S. Churchill & Laurence Geller CBE
The Clothworkers Foundation
Henry Cooke Lumsden Plc
Harlan Crow
The Dulverton Trust
The Esmée Fairbairn Charitable Trust
The Fairleigh S. Dickinson Jr Foundation Inc
The Garfield Weston Foundation
Mr Ronald Gerard OBE
John Paul Getty KBE
Mrs Kyoko Gledhill
The Mary W. Harriman Foundation
Mr Gurnee F Hart

The Hobson Charity Ltd
The Leverhulme Trust
Mr Michael Lewis
The Josephine and John J. Louis Fund
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
The National Heritage Lottery Fund
The Isaac Newton Trust
Jerold J. Principato MD
The Rank Foundation
The Royal Automobile Club
Mr Ian Rushbrook
Mrs Tina Santi Flaherty
Max Wolfson Schapiro
The Daily Telegraph Plc
The Margaret Thatcher Archive Trust
The Margaret Thatcher Foundation
Miss Josephine Veitch MBE
Timothy N. Wallach
The Wellcome Trust
Mr Anthony H Wild and Mrs Anna Wild
The Wolfson Foundation

Donors to the New Wing of the Churchill Archives Centre

The New Wing of the Churchill Archives Centre was built and opened in 2002. It exists to house the papers of the Rt. Hon. Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven and to provide the Centre with the space to continue collecting important personal papers of the modern era. The names of the donors are commemorated in a band of Portland stone carved by the Kindersley studio on the exterior of the New Wing. It reads as follows:

The New wing of the Churchill Archives Centre was built with the generous support of Baroness Thatcher to house her papers. It was endowed by The Margaret Thatcher Foundation. HRH Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz. BP PLC. The Clore Duffield Foundation. Jean Duffield. Dr Yung-fa Chang, Evergreen Group. Sir Paul Getty, KBE. The Hobson Charity Limited. Eric Hotung. Sir K.S. Li and Hutchison Whampoa. Jupiter Asset Management. David W. Packard. Rudolph Palumbo Charitable Foundation. Josie and Julian Robertson. Wafic Rida Said. Harold W. Siebens. The Sunley Foundation. Charles Wolfson Charitable Trust. The Wolfson Foundation. Mr and Mrs Charles Wyly.

The letter cutters of the Cardozo Kindersley Workshop carving the commemorative stone band which runs along the length of the new wing. This skilled work took several weeks to complete. Photo supplied by the Cardozo Kindersley Worskhop.

Donors to the Archives Centre’s Capital Campaign

HRH Prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz
The Annenberg Foundation
The Garfield Weston Foundation
The Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States
Mr Facundo Bacardi and Mrs Elizabeth Bacardi
Mr Salvatore Bommarito and Mrs Alison Bommarito
Mr Donald L Bryant Jr
Mr Douglas N Daft and Mrs Delphine H Daft
Mr David A Gledhill and Mrs Kyoko Gledhill
Mr Robert Hamwee Mr and Mrs Charles Harris
Mr William Johnson and Mrs Sandra Johnson
The Kapnick Foundation
Mrs Sherri Parker Lee
Mr Willem Mesdag and Mrs Lisa Mesdag
Mr Jerold J Principato MD
Mr Elihu Rose and Mrs Susan Rose
The Howard and Debbie Schiller Foundation
Dr and Mrs Monroe E Trout Mr Anthony H Wild and Mrs Anna Wild

Between 2004 and 2007, the Capital Campaign raised over £2.5 million in endowment for the Churchill Archives Centre.

Donors to the Friends of the Archives Centre Appeal

Mr James Aitken
Mr Allen Aldridge
Constance Senif and Leigh Anderson
Mr Smith Benson
Mr Neil Bhatiya
Mrs Christine Bondi
Mr Roger Broad
Robert E Burke
Kathleen M Burke
Mr and Mrs William
Cabell Garbee
Mr Charles Calderbank
Dr Ray A. Callahan
Professor Omer L. Carey
Dr Christopher Catherwood
Sir Charles Chadwyck-Healey Bt
Miss Nonie Chapman
Malcolm and Janet Cockcroft
Professor Tim Congden CBE
Ms Ricki G. Conway
Professor James Cronin
Mr Peter Cropper CBE
Mr Jack Darrah
Mr William F. Davison
Mr C. Stuart Dawson Jr

Mr Alan Eade
Dr and Mrs Lanny Edelsohn M.D.
Mr Daniel Ellis
Mr Lee D. Evans
Dr David Freeman
Mr Marcus Frost
Mr Gary Garrison
Mr Ron Gerard OBE
Dr Mark Goldie
Professor Barry Gough
Mrs Cora Roxanne Hale
Professor Geoffrey Hallam
Professor Christopher C. Harmon
Mr and Mrs Hinks
Dr A E Dick Howard
Mr Harry Jackson
Michael Jankovic
Ms Jill Johnson
Professor Marvin Kalb
Professor Tony Kelly
Mr Joseph E Kubacka Jr
Mr Spencer Kunath
Mr Philip Larson
Ellen LeCompte

Mr Winston J. Lindsley
Mrs Mary S. Lovell
Mr Michael G. Max
Mr Charles G. McIntosh
JP Morgan Chase and Co
Mr and Mrs Lester S. Morse Jr
National Bank of Kuwait (International) PLC
Mr Klaus F. Naumann
Mr David Newton
Sir John Nott
Mr Allen Packwood
Ms Angi Parks
Mr Howard
Mrs Sally Peters
Mr Lee and Mrs Jill Pollock
Mr Colin Quinney
Mr David F. Ramsay
Major General Charles Ramsay
Dr John Ranelagh
Professor David Reynolds
Alan and Barbara Richardson
Dr R Hardee Rives
Miss Priscilla Roberts
Mr Laurence Zuriff

Mr Nicholas and Mrs Julia Roskill
Royal Society of Arts (East of England Region)
Mr Ian Rushbrook
Dr G W Sand
Ms Sylvia Sanders
Dr Matthew Seligmann
Mr Daniel J Sigman
Mr Geoffrey Simonds
Mr Patrick Hawke Smith
Professor and Mrs W M Steen
Mrs Tessa Till
Ms Elizabeth Truslow
Dr R McW Tullberg
Professor Pierre Vaydat
Miss Nina Veitch
Mr William H Vogt
Ms Laura Weissenberg
Mr Anthony Woodhead
Mr Gregory Wren
Alan and Barbara Richardson
Dr R Hardee Rives
Miss Priscilla Roberts
Dalena Wright